Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Sofitel workers optimistic on solon probe


Workers at the iconic Sofitel Philippine Plaza have voiced support for a Senate investigat­ion into the reasons behind the establishm­ent’s closure as the National Union of Workers in Hotel, Restaurant and Allied Industries (NUWHRAIN) called the proposed probe “laudable” and urged for stronger protection­s against union-busting practices.

“We call for greater transparen­cy from Philippine Plaza Holdings Inc. (PPHI) and demand answers regarding the true reasons behind this decision,” said Senator Risa Hontiveros, who filed Senate Resolution 1059 on 24 June.

Earlier, NUWHRAIN deputy secretary general Marco Gojol expressed concern over the potential displaceme­nt of over 1,000 workers and their families due to the closure.

The 51-year-old hotel is scheduled to cease operations on 30 June, according to PPHI president Esteban Peña Sy.

PPHI claims the closure is necessary for renovation­s, with Sy saying that the company allocated P3 to P4 billion for the project.

The renovation costs are expected to be recovered within the remaining 17 years of PPHI’s lease with the Government Service Insurance System as the company is also seeking a 25-year lease extension, bringing the lease expiry to 2066.

However, NUWHRAIN argued that PPHI’s lack of transparen­cy regarding postrenova­tion plans and refusal to guarantee job security or continued recognitio­n of the union and its collective bargaining agreement raise concerns about potential union-busting motives.

“Sofitel’s secrecy leaves workers anxious and uncertain about their future,” Gojol said. “Their refusal to provide job security and continue respecting the union tells us they are only after one thing — to bust the union.”

PPHI previously informed workers on 8 May that the closure was solely due to safety concerns. Sy cited “many incidents” in recent years and the recommenda­tions of independen­t safety consultant­s who deemed the hotel unfit for operation.

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