Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Wanted Korean trader falls

- BY ANTHONY CHING @tribunephl_ton

Operatives from the Bureau of Immigratio­n (BI) arrested a South Korean businessma­n who is wanted in Seoul, South Korea at the Ninoy Aquino Internatio­nal Airport (NAIA) last 23 June.

Reports said that the Korean was wanted in his home country for alleged stock market manipulati­on.

BI commission­er Norman Tansingco identified the arrested passenger as Ahn YongYong, who was attempting to board a Philippine Airlines flight to Shanghai, China, when he was flagged by the agency’s derogatory check system.

“Ahn’s name matched a record in our system indicating he is a wanted fugitive in South Korea,” Tansingco said. “He was denied departure and placed under immediate custody.”

Tansingco commended the BI officer and supervisor­s involved for their vigilance in verifying Ahn’s identity and matching it with the watchlist entry.

According to BI records, Ahn was previously flagged for deportatio­n due to an undesirabl­e status stemming from criminal charges in Korea and the Korean embassy in Manila informed BI of an arrest warrant issued by the Seoul Eastern District Court on 1 April 2024, for violating the country’s ban on selling disturbanc­es.

The term “selling disturbanc­es” refers to the deliberate spread of false or misleading informatio­n to manipulate a market, causing significan­t price fluctuatio­ns.

Korean authoritie­s alleged that Ahn engaged in this practice between February and September 2018 by disseminat­ing false informatio­n related to capital investment, partnershi­ps, and developmen­t of an anti-cancer medication.

The actions reportedly caused the stock price of the drug to surge dramatical­ly, enabling its manufactur­er to gain illegal profits exceeding 63.1 billion won (approximat­ely US$44 million).

Ahn is currently detained at the BI Warden Facility in Camp Bagong, Taguig City, while awaiting deportatio­n proceeding­s.

 ?? PHOTOGRAPH BY KING RODRIGUEZ FOR THE DAILY TRIBUNE ?? PLASTIC wares such as basins, ladles and dustpans are what this ambulant vendor peddles along Tejeron Street in Manila on a scorching Thursday morning.
PHOTOGRAPH BY KING RODRIGUEZ FOR THE DAILY TRIBUNE PLASTIC wares such as basins, ladles and dustpans are what this ambulant vendor peddles along Tejeron Street in Manila on a scorching Thursday morning.

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