Daily Tribune (Philippines)

‘Mutya ng Pasig’ 2024 named nd


Barangay San Antonio bet Mary Andika U. Araja emerged victorious as Mutya ng Pasig 2024, captivatin­g the audience with her poise, intelligen­ce, and elegance during the coronation night held last 26 June at the Tanghalang Pasigueño.

A first-time pageant contestant, Araja expressed her elation over the win, calling it a surreal experience and a major accomplish­ment.

“I am filled with joy and gratitude to be the new ambassador of the organizati­on and a representa­tive of Pasig,” Araja said.

Her triumph was met with warm congratula­tions from Barangay San Antonio chairperso­n Raymond Lising, who praised her for bringing honor to the community.

“Her dedication and success have truly reflected well on Barangay San Antonio,” Lising said.

The road to the crown, according to Araja, was a challengin­g but rewarding journey as in the course of two months, she underwent rigorous training, honed her public speaking skills, and actively participat­ed in community events.

She also stressed the importance of staying informed about social issues to effectivel­y advocate for her chosen causes.

“It takes a village to raise a beauty queen,” Araja said, expressing her gratitude to her mentors, family, friends, and Barangay San Antonio for their unwavering support, adding that they proved invaluable in navigating negativity and unsolicite­d advice.

Balancing her academic pursuits and newfound role is key for Araja. A Dean’s Lister at De La Salle University pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Communicat­ion Arts, she exemplifie­s excellence in both academics and pageantry. Her background also extends to graphic design, video editing, and marketing, with experience leading various projects throughout her college career.

 ?? PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF BARANGAY SAN ANTONIO ?? BARANGAY San Antonio bet Mary Andika Araja celebrates with village chief Raymond Lising (fourth from left) and other barangay officials after clinching the Mutya ng Pasig 2024 crown at the Tanghalang Pasigueño in Pasig City last Wednesday.
PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF BARANGAY SAN ANTONIO BARANGAY San Antonio bet Mary Andika Araja celebrates with village chief Raymond Lising (fourth from left) and other barangay officials after clinching the Mutya ng Pasig 2024 crown at the Tanghalang Pasigueño in Pasig City last Wednesday.

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