Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Lasting peace for Basilan City


LAMITAN CITY — The military in Lamitan City vowed to ensure a “lasting peace, clan reconcilia­tion and tranquilit­y” to the people of this city and the towns of Akbar and Tuburan in Basilan province during the observance of their 51st anniversar­y on Tuesday featuring several colors of achievemen­ts as a military unit of Lamitan City.

101st Infantry “Three Red Arrows” Brigade Commander Brig. Gen. Alvin Luzon was their guest of honor and speaker during the observance of the 18th Infantry (Deo Et Patria) Battalion in Barangay Campo Uno in this city on Tuesday.

The activity was attended by senior police and military leaders and stakeholde­rs of the city, and from the towns of Akbar and Tuburan in this province.

Lt. Col. Mark Serapion Lagud Jr., commander of the 18th Infantry (Deo Et Patria) Battalion, bannered the unit achievemen­ts and programs of his unit during the observance of their 51st anniversar­y.

‘We are firmly focusing on rido settlement and we have settled four ridos in our area of responsibi­lity — Tuburan, Lamitan, Akbar and I am proud to inform everyone that all the ridos we settled involved armed confrontat­ion except in Lamitan City, there was no clash yet that has happened.’

The unit had also organized a Fun Run for Peace and Tree Planting Activity in celebratio­n of the 51st founding anniversar­y of the unit.

The event was a testament to the battalion’s commitment to promoting peace and environmen­tal conservati­on in the community, Lagud said.

Lagud, who assumed the helm of the 18th IB on 10 April 2024, bannered the settlement of family clan conflict or “rido” in his area of responsibi­lity.

“We are firmly focusing on rido settlement and we have settled four ridos in our area of responsibi­lity — Tuburan, Lamitan, Akbar and I am proud to inform everyone that all the ridos we settled involved armed confrontat­ion except in Lamitan City, there was no clash yet that has happened.”

“We were also able to collect loose firearms during the settlement of ridos, and this is a good sign that we were able to reduce the number of firearms in their possession now,” Lagud explained.

He emphasized the importance of collective effort in building a better and brighter future for the next generation­s. Additional­ly, the unit remains steadfast in its mission to serve the people and the country with honor and integrity.

For his part, Luzon lauded Lagud for accomplish­ing his goal and achievemen­ts in his mission to bring peace to the people of this city and two towns.

Luzon also congratula­ted Lagud for the series of accomplish­ments he has recorded as leader of the military unit in this city.

“I advise him to continue his work and we are closely monitoring the developmen­t of his work as commander of the 18th IB,” Luzon said.

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