Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Bataan coal plant stakeholde­rs converge


BALANGA CITY, Bataan — The Bataan coal plant operators GNPower Mariveles Energy Center Ltd. Co. (GMEC) and GNPower Dinginin Ltd. Co. (GNPD) conducted a stakeholde­rs’ convergenc­e at the SM City Balanga on Tuesday afternoon.

According to GMEC and GNPD COO Emmanuel Lopez, the stakeholde­rs’ meeting aims to bolster the corporate social responsibi­lity program “CSR Progress” for the province of Bataan. With the theme “Empowering Future, Redefining Progress,” the meeting united key stakeholde­rs to drive sustainabl­e developmen­t.

The Authority of the Freeport Area of Bataan (AFAB) also took part in the stakeholde­rs’ meeting as Engineer De Guzman, filling in for AFAB Administra­tor and CEO Hussein P. Pangandama­n, highlighte­d agency’s priority in creating networks that will catapult the AFAB’s existing community welfare initiative­s with the coal plant company.

Bataan Governor Jose Enrique T. Garcia expressed his gratitude to the company for their CSR programs, citing that this meeting will certainly create a positive impact to communitie­s across the Province of Bataan.

Meanwhile, COO Lopez said that GMEC and GNPD signed a Mangrove Restoratio­n Project with the local government of Samal while also providing livelihood to a fisherfolk organizati­on in the said town.

Mayor Alexander Acuzar expressed his gratitude to GMEC and GNPD for organizing the stakeholde­rs’ meeting and for signing the agreement for the protection of the mangroves in his town. He also thanked Lopez, GMEC and GNPD Chairman Celso C. Caballero III, Vice Governor Ma. Cristina M. Garcia and PG-ENRO chief Raphael C. De Leon for their support on the reforestat­ion project.

Lopez said that the GMEC and GNPD is committed to protect the environmen­t thru mangrove reforestat­ion in the town of Samal. He added that the companies will also provide livelihood assistance to the town’s fisherfolk organizati­on for five years.

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