Daily Tribune (Philippines)

P20-B Luzon transmissi­on line now in full swing

‘Full completion and energizati­on at full capacity of this critical facility, (strengthen­s) and (expands) the grid under NGCP’

- BY MARIA ROMERO @tribunephl_mbr

The Philippine­s’ national grid has received a significan­t upgrade with the full energizati­on of the P20.94-billion Mariveles-Hermosa-San Jose 500-kilovolt (kV) transmissi­on line, which has a capacity of 8,000 megawatts (MW).

The National Grid Corporatio­n of the Philippine­s (NGCP) announced that the Mariveles-Hermosa-San Jose 500kV facility can now accommodat­e an additional 2,200 MW of supply from new power plants in Bataan and Zambales for the Luzon grid.

“Full completion and energizati­on at full capacity of this critical facility, (strengthen­s) and (expands) the grid under NGCP,” the company said in a statement.

Line 1 energized

Line 1 was energized to allow for power generation in Bataan with a 2,000 MW transfer capacity, which is only a quarter of its full capacity pending the completion of the unfinished portion of the line. Its full completion enabled a 4,000 MW line capacity.

The full completion of Line 2, on the other hand, provides an 8,000 MW generation capacity, which is more than sufficient for existing and future generation needs.

The Mariveles-Hermosa-San Jose 500kV line consists of 395 transmissi­on towers, 275.6 circuit kilometers of transmissi­on lines, two new substation­s, and 2,000 MVA in substation capacity.


Although certified as an Energy Project of National Significan­ce, the project faced challenges, including right-of-way issues due to opposition from landowners, lengthy judicial processes, and protracted permitting processes by local government units.

In July 2023, it can be recalled that a portion of the line, owned by Phirst Park Homes Inc., was under a Temporary Restrainin­g Order issued by the Supreme Court.

NGCP halted activities along Towers 170-178, delaying the ongoing stringing of the line’s remaining circuit from July 2023 to April 2024.

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