Daily Tribune (Philippines)


Cheng resignatio­n triggers chaos, unrest in Phl football


A string of resignatio­ns is seen to happen in the coming days following the decision of businessma­n Jefferson Cheng to quit as team manager of the national women’s football team last Sunday.

According to a reliable DAILY TRIBUNE source, it’s not surprising that some staff members and players are already mulling the possibilit­y of tendering their resignatio­ns after Cheng stepped down from serving as the chief benefactor of the national women’s football program.

Cheng became the latest personnel to bolt out of the Philippine Football Federation (PFF).

The source said some of his programs were put on hold for no apparent reason, prompting him to entertain the idea that he may be being booted out of his position.

During their participat­ion in the AFC Asia Cup U17 last May in Indonesia, the PFF leadership reportedly meddled with the selection process of players as it wants to insert some homegrown players instead of those with dual citizenshi­p, who have been training for quite some time.

‘Even some parents of the players have expressed concern about their daughters’ future with the team.’

In his resignatio­n statement, Cheng said the “unworkable situation” had forced him to make the hard decision of resigning as his goals are no longer aligned with that of Gutierrez and the new PFF leadership.

With Cheng no longer around, the national squad — collective­ly known as the Filipinas — is now in limbo as most of its members are ready to walk away without waiting for the new benefactor to assume the role.

“When the statement of his resignatio­n came out, some members of the support and coaching staff are mulling to resign,’” the source said, speaking on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivit­y of the matter.

“Even some parents of the players have expressed concern about their daughters’ future with the team. After all, they were well-taken care of during Sir Jeff’s time as they get very good coaching, skills training and physical conditioni­ng under the program, something that they don’t get in their respective clubs.”

But prior to Cheng’s resignatio­n, there was already unrest in the federation.

The source said at least 14 staff stepped down from the federation within Gutierrez’s first six months in office. Those staff are holding key positions in the legal, media, internatio­nal relations and events and club licensing department­s, dealing a major blow to the entire national team program.

“If 14 key personnel have resigned, what does it tell you? It means something wrong is happening within the federation,” the source said, adding that those who stepped down have already gained vast local and internatio­nal connection­s, technical know-how and familiarit­y to the dynamics within the federation. Most of them were part of the federation during the glory years of Philippine football under the leadership of former PFF chief Mariano “Nonong” Araneta.

“The resignatio­n of Sir Jeff is just part of the aftermath of what’s really happening in the PFF. We were no longer surprised.”

The source added that Cheng is not convincing members of the national team, especially those who played a key role to its success when it won the AFF Women’s Championsh­ip in 2022 that led to a historic appearance in the FIFA Women’s World Cup last year, to resign.

“We are coming off a successful stint in the World Cup and we don’t want everything to be wasted with his resignatio­n. He has been telling them that he doesn’t have monopoly on women’s football and there will always be somebody who can step in and fill the void created by his resignatio­n,” he said.

“He’s just hoping that the PFF can find the right man for the job under their (PFF) management.”

 ?? PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF PWNT ?? JEFF Cheng’s resignatio­n is a big blow to the national women’s football program.
PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF PWNT JEFF Cheng’s resignatio­n is a big blow to the national women’s football program.

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