Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Ayala Land unit bestowed awards


Ayala Land’s constructi­on unit Makati Developmen­t Corp. (MDC) Group demonstrat­ed its expertise and dedication to the constructi­on industry, receiving multiple awards and recognitio­n for its projects.

At the recent 2024 Philippine Excellence in Concrete Constructi­on Awards, the MDC Group’s Azuela Cove Seawall Project stood out among competitor­s, securing the prestigiou­s Infrastruc­ture Category prize and will be one of the country’s representa­tives at the 2024 ACI Excellence in Concrete Constructi­on Awards in October. This marks the fourth consecutiv­e year of recognitio­n for the MDC Group at these prestigiou­s awards.

The project was recognized for its innovative use of Design for Modular Constructi­on (DfMC). This approach not only helped prevent flooding but also ensured the project was completed on time. The project boasts impressive features, including a 25-meter footbridge, an 82-meter reinforced retaining wall, and a 120-meter masonry wall, all located within the Azuela Cove estate in Davao.

Safety awards received

In addition to its accolades, the MDC Group has received a total of 125 Constructi­on Safety Awards from the Safety Organizati­on of the Philippine­s (SOPI). These awards span various categories and recognize the MDC Group’s commitment to prioritizi­ng safety and health in the workplace. Four Outstandin­g Safety Practition­ers and one Outstandin­g Safety Consultant, all affiliated with the MDC Group, were also honored by SOPI. The MDBI projects also received four Constructi­on Safety Awards.

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