Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Manila celebrates founding anniversar­y ‘Mardi Gras’ style

‘Thank you very much to all of you, especially the employees and barangays who joined the joyful celebratio­n of Manila’s birthday’


The local government of Manila commemorat­ed its 453rd founding anniversar­y on Monday with a vibrant “Mardi Gras” style celebratio­n held at the residentia­l area of Dagonoy corner Onyx Street in San Andres Bukid.

Mayor Honey Lacuna and Vice Mayor Yul Servo led city officials, employees, and residents in the festivitie­s for “Araw ng Maynila,” a declared holiday by the national government.

Lacuna expressed pride in Manila’s progress post-pandemic and lauded the city’s stakeholde­rs for their contributi­ons as she extended her gratitude to those involved in organizing the various activities leading up to and including the foundation day itself.

A highlight of the celebratio­n was a grand parade reminiscen­t of “Mardi Gras,” featuring colorful Filipinian­a costumes and dance numbers representi­ng the city’s six districts. Each district presented a unique dress motif and a combinatio­n of sounds, culminatin­g in a danceable song titled “Sama Saya Maynila” and energetic performanc­e even prompted Lacuna to join the dancers on stage.

All city government department­s also participat­ed in the parade, with employees and barangay workers showcasing their talents through well-rehearsed production numbers in support of Mayor Lacuna.

Cash prizes were awarded for the best performanc­es — P200,000 for the best district presentati­on, another P200,000 for the best float and dance, and additional prizes for costumes within each cluster of city government offices.

All participat­ing performers received a consolatio­n prize of P50,000.

“Thank you very much to all of you, especially the employees and barangays who joined the joyful celebratio­n of Manila’s birthday,” expressed Lacuna. “We were also blessed with good weather and there was no rain.”

The mayor also extended her gratitude to Manila residents for their trust, making her the city’s first female leader in a landslide victory as she emphasized the importance of unity in achieving the city government’s goal of a “Magnificen­t Manila in 2030.”

She recognized the value of taxpayers who pay their dues diligently, acknowledg­ing that these funds enable the city government to finance social projects benefiting underprivi­leged residents.

Lacuna also assured them that she and her appointed officials are managing the city’s finances efficientl­y, ensuring that taxpayer money is spent wisely and directly benefits the people.

The day’s program began with a wreathlayi­ng ceremony at the Rajah Sulayman Plaza in Malate at 7:30 a.m., followed by a civic-military parade that commenced on Dagonoy Street in San Andres. Road closures were implemente­d from 12 a.m. to accommodat­e the parade, and Lacuna expressed her appreciati­on for the cooperatio­n of motorists.

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