Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Muntinlupa housing registrati­on eyed

‘The goal of our program is for us to have enough data to be used by the local government in the developmen­t of various housing projects’


The local government of Muntinlupa City — through its Urban Poor Affairs Office (UPAO) — announced on Monday the launching of a citywide registrati­on for residents who have yet to own a property in the city.

According to the city government, it aims to build a database of individual­s who seek to own a house and lot.

“The goal of our program is for us to have enough data to be used by the local government in the developmen­t of various housing projects,” said UPAO head Shienna Hernandez.

She added that the data they currently have only includes individual­s who are in urban poor communitie­s.

Hernandez also disclosed that the registrati­on will open in July and target a September closing and residents who wish to have their own house and lot are encouraged to sign up at the Urban Poor Affairs Office.

However, he stressed that aspiring homeowners need to submit documentar­y requiremen­ts in order to qualify for registrati­on for the housing program of the local government.

‘We need to gather informatio­n so that [when] we develop a program, we have a real basis, not just an estimate, so we encourage everyone to sign up for the housing registrati­on because that will make up our database for housing needs.’

Meanwhile, Mayor Rufino “Ruffy” Biazon said that while the city currently doesn’t have any homes to offer yet, he hopes that the registrati­on program will give them the data they need to help Muntinlupe­ños.

“We need to gather informatio­n so that [when] we develop a program, we have a real basis, not just an estimate, so we encourage everyone to sign up for the housing registrati­on because that will make up our database for housing needs,” Biazon said.

 ?? PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF MUNTINLUPA LGU ?? MUNTINLUPA Mayor Rufino ‘Ruffy’ Biazon reads a book to children during a program in the city. Muntinlupa received the highest rating of 97 percent in the 2022 Seal of Child-Friendly Local Governance assessment.
PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF MUNTINLUPA LGU MUNTINLUPA Mayor Rufino ‘Ruffy’ Biazon reads a book to children during a program in the city. Muntinlupa received the highest rating of 97 percent in the 2022 Seal of Child-Friendly Local Governance assessment.

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