Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Pope Francis fires back at Archbishop Vigano


Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, considered one of the most virulent critics of Pope Francis, gave this formal announceme­nt: “The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) has informed me, with a simple email, of the initiation of an extrajudic­ial penal trial against me, with the accusation of having committed the crime of schism and charging me with having denied the legitimacy of Pope Francis, of having broken communion with Him, and of having rejected the Second Vatican Council.” (PNA, 22 June 2024)

These serious charges against Vigano, former Vatican ambassador to the US, could easily have him defrocked or excommunic­ated. For more than two decades, perhaps not wanting to go down to his level, Pope Francis simply smiled in silence as Vigano took regular potshots at him. Vigano must have been squirming over Pope Francis’s silence.

The more Vigano was ignored, the more frequent and more poignant were his tirades. He perhaps wanted Francis to retaliate and open himself, in the process, to complex debates. However, the papal silence gave Francis a psychologi­cal victory.

The last straw came when Vigano demanded that Francis resign, labeling him a “liberal servant of Satan.” All hell broke loose at the Vatican at that point. But it was perhaps the accumulati­on of his past “crimes” that was the real cause. That insidious statement drew the ire of Francis, who broke his “silence” by having Vigano charged by the DDF, the most powerful Vatican office which deals with such issues.

There’s no single universal view of that Senate inquiry that literally persecuted one Alice Guo as an alleged China spy, fanned the flames of Sinophobia and the antiChines­e narrative, made her the sacrificia­l target of an inter-agency case buildup to the caliber of a national security threat, stripped her of the mantle of governance as a local chief executive.

Post-executive session articulati­on indicated that the legislativ­e purpose of the author of that Senate resolution eventually consisted of only three things, viz.: 1) a total ban on POGOs; 2) an overhaul of late birth registrati­on (LBR); 3) undoing PAGCOR’s role as operator cum regulator.

Strictly, none of these wornout proposals concern Guo as a municipal mayor, Bamban as a local government unit, or the Senate which should instead focus more on national affairs than local politics by the simple principle of subsidiari­ty.

In broad strokes but not of genius, the senators painted the grim scenario of organized criminal syndicates from

But in truth, the Vatican should perhaps be gentler with the aging 87-year-old prelate. For many, even among those who frown on his tirades, it may be better for the Vatican to forgive than to punish Vigano.

Leaving the old man alone, whose image has been tarnished forever even before the trial could begin, is perhaps the better option for the Vatican, Vigano and Francis, for everyone. After all, we have forgotten the medieval notorious Inquisitio­n which, by the way, is the roots of the DDF.

The blade of the sword facing the victim has another blade facing the accuser. The politics of martyrdom dictates that Vigano may even emerge a champion of the Conservati­ves, if he is declared guilty and defrocked or excommunic­ated. A guilty verdict may catapult Vigano to “infamous fame,” a term now gaining popularity in our complex world of conflicts.

The schism or “apostasy” or civil war within the Vatican was prophesied by Our Lady of Fatima, which may raise havoc within the Vatican. Are we now seeing it unfolding with the canon trial of Vigano? Does it coincide with the beginnings of the era of tribulatio­ns predicted in the Bible?

“The schism or ‘apostasy’ or civil war within the Vatican was prophesied by Our Lady of Fatima, which may raise havoc within the Vatican.


the Senate inquiry smashed the dignity of a lowly municipal mayor to smithereen­s, it only showcased how uncharacte­ristically the body failed to be ‘free from passion and prejudice.’

“The last straw came when Vigano demanded that Francis resign, labeling him a ‘liberal servant of Satan.’ All hell broke loose at the Vatican at that point.

Conservati­ves versus Liberals

The “war” between Conservati­ves and Liberals began centuries ago, revolving around complex theologica­l issues such as Liturgy, Dogma, and of course politics. They are forever irreconcil­able like oil and water. Vigano is not even an “ultra-conservati­ve.” He is labeled as “wildly conservati­ve,” or “ultraultra-conservati­ve.”

Pope Francis is the first Liberal in a Vatican dominated by Conservati­ves for centuries. He is the first Jesuit Pope, who essentiall­y leads the Liberals today. Upon ascending the throne, Pope Francis cleansed the allpowerfu­l Curia of Conservati­ves in a sweeping lightning move, a firstever in Vatican history. Since then, the Conservati­ves have launched the anti-Pope movement. Our Lady of Fatima prophesied an “apostasy,” perceived today as the ongoing Vatican civil war.

Read more on Vatican apostasy or civil war 1) Three Popes – JP2, Benedict, Francis = https://eastwindjo­urnals. com/2023/09/06/three-popes-jp2benedic­t-francis/; 2) Vatican crisis over growing apostasy = https://eastwindjo­urnals. com/2024/01/20/prayersfor-pope-francis-asapostasy-rages/.

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