Daily Tribune (Philippines)

DSWD’s ERPAT project spotlights fathers’ parental roles


Recognizin­g the vital roles of fathers in child rearing and developmen­t, the Department of Social Welfare and Developmen­t (DSWD) continues to implement the Empowermen­t and Reaffirmat­ion of Paternal Abilities, an agency project aptly given the acronym “ERPAT.”

DSWD Assistant Secretary for Disaster Response Management Group Irene Dumlao said on Tuesday (18 June), ERPAT is a service of the DSWD that gives importance and emphasis on the fathers’ parental roles, responsibi­lities and abilities.

“It sees the significan­t role of fathers in performing multiple roles in all aspects of child rearing and developmen­t including the care and behavior management of adolescent children,” Dumlao, who is also the DSWD spokespers­on, said.

To strengthen the program, the Department continues to conduct capability building and training of implemente­rs, ERPAT members, and local government units.

In the summit, family advocates and experts on family affairs discussed various topics to enhance the knowledge and skills of ERPAT members, according to Dumlao.

Last May, the DSWD Field Office-7 (Western Visayas) conducted the 1st ERPAT Regional Summit as part of the celebratio­n of the Internatio­nal Day of Families 2024.

In the summit, family advocates and experts on family affairs discussed various topics to enhance the knowledge and skills of ERPAT members, according to Dumlao.

The DSWD spokespers­on explained that ERPAT aims to enhance and strengthen the parenting capabiliti­es of Filipino fathers in performing their familial tasks and responsibi­lities, help them achieve an active and equal role with their spouses or partners in fostering the optimal developmen­t of their children and other family members, and take active leadership in the community in promoting positive family life.

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