Daily Tribune (Philippines)

White House slams ‘cheapfake’ clips portraying Biden ‘freezing’

‘It tells you everything that we need to know about how desperate Republican­s are here’


WASHINGTON, United States (AFP) — The White House on Monday criticized Republican­s for spreading videos purported to show President Joe Biden’s mental and physical decline, saying the images had been deceptivel­y cut and manipulate­d.

“It tells you everything that we need to know about how desperate Republican­s are here,” Press Secretary Karine JeanPierre told reporters, branding the clips as “cheapfake” videos.

Outlets including the New York Post and an official Republican social media account have shared several seemingly damning short videos in recent days of the 81-yearold president.

In one video, an apparently disoriente­d Biden appears to wander away from fellow world leaders while watching a skydiving display during a G7 summit in Italy last week.

But Jean-Pierre said the footage was misleading­ly edited, and Biden instead was moving to give a thumbs up to the parachutis­ts.

“This was widely fact checked... including by conservati­ve media,” she said at a media briefing, adding “if you run that tape a little bit longer than you’d see... what was happening.”

Earlier in the week NBC also debunked the claim, posting footage caught by its own cameras from another angle online which showed Biden interactin­g with the parachutis­ts just a few feet away.

Another widely-shared clip was a close-up shot of Biden standing still as world leaders danced close to him during a concert at the White House — which opponents said showed a state of confusion.

“The president stood there listening to the music, and he didn’t dance. Excuse me. I did not know not dancing was (...) a health issue,” Jean-Pierre said of the video.

And on the weekend, the New York Post again shared a video appearing to show Biden getting lost on stage during a fundraisin­g event in California, before being pointed to an exit by former president Barack Obama.

Andrew Bates, another White House spokespers­on, said on X that Biden was instead waiting on the stage to appreciate the applause from his supporters.

 ?? SILVIO AVILA/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE ?? BURIED car is pictured in Ilha Grande dos Marinheiro­s, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Tons of rubbish still litter the streets of Porto Alegre after the floods that hit the city.
SILVIO AVILA/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE BURIED car is pictured in Ilha Grande dos Marinheiro­s, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Tons of rubbish still litter the streets of Porto Alegre after the floods that hit the city.

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