Daily Tribune (Philippines)

BFAR: China ban won’t keep fishermen from WPS

‘The Philippine­s will continue to fish in the West Philippine Sea because it is part of our waters within our exclusive economic zone’


Filipino fishermen will continue to fish in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) despite China’s unilateral fishing ban, which the Philippine government refuses to recognize, the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) said Tuesday.

“The Philippine­s does not recognize China’s unilateral declaratio­n,” BFAR spokespers­on

Nazario Briguera said in response to concerns about its impact on local fisheries.

China imposed an over four-month fishing ban from 1 May to 16 September in parts of the South China Sea, including in the Philippine­s’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in the WPS.

“The Philippine­s will continue to fish in the West Philippine Sea because it is part of our waters within our exclusive economic zone,” Briguera stressed.

On the potential impact on fisheries production, Briguera said, “We do not expect the unilateral declaratio­n by China to affect production because, fundamenta­lly, we do not recognize this declaratio­n.”

BFAR has not received any reports of Filipino fishermen being arrested under the new regulation.

Briguera warned that any such action by China would be considered a provocatio­n and potential violation of internatio­nal law, particular­ly the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

Commodore Roy Vincent Trinidad, Philippine Navy spokespers­on for the WPS, criticized China’s action, describing it as unreasonab­le. He assured that the PN is prepared with contingenc­y plans and will support other maritime law enforcemen­t agencies, including the Philippine Coast Guard and BFAR, amid the escalating tension.

China recently announced a new rule allowing for the detention of “foreigners trespassin­g in the South China Sea” for up to 60 days without trial.

Trinidad earlier denounced China’s move, saying “China is out of tune, out of set, they’re out of their minds.”

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