Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Giddey brands Olympic kit as ‘joke’

‘There is a significan­t difference between the high-performanc­e product for athletes and an affordable replica range for members of the public’


SYDNEY, Australia (AFP) — National Basketball Associatio­n (NBA) star Josh Giddey branded Australia’s Olympic basketball kit “an absolute joke” Wednesday, but officials said images online showed a replica range and not exactly what will be worn in Paris.

The Oklahoma City Thunder guard hit out along with fellow Boomer Jock Landale, with fans also wading in with their dislike on social media.

“Lol absolute joke,” Giddey said on X, while the Houston Rockets’ Landale added: “Looks like we are off to throw a javelin.”

The retired Andrew Bogut, a long-time Australian player, was even more scathing, saying: “AOC (Australian Olympic Committee) had Stevie Wonder do the uniforms,” referring to the acclaimed musician who is blind.

The loose-fitting singlets are primarily yellow with green around the neck lining, with Australia on the front. The design also features Indigenous artwork.

An AOC spokespers­on told AFP the images showed a replica kit available to the public and not what the players will wear, which will be a better fit and of different material.

“The athlete comments relate to images of a replica range on sale to the general public, not the competitio­n kit the players will wear in Paris,” the AOC said.

“There is a significan­t difference between the high-performanc­e product for athletes and an affordable replica range for members of the public.”

Australia lost to the United States in the semifinals of the Tokyo Olympics three years ago but overcame Slovenia in the third-placed playoff to win the bronze medal.

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