Daily Tribune (Philippines)

AG&P Industrial tapped as NeCeBoLey builder

‘We are pleased to hear about your memorandum of understand­ing with VNIHC for the implementa­tion of $15-billion project NeCeBoLey which aims to connect the major islands of Negros, Cebu, Bohol and Leyte through inter-island bridges and expressway­s’


The National Economic and Developmen­t Authority (NEDA) board-regional developmen­t committee-Visayas invited yesterday giant contractor Atlanta Gulf & Pacific (AG&P) Industrial as the proponent in implementi­ng the Negros, Cebu, Bohol and Leyte (NeCeBoLey) inter-island bridges and expressway­s.

The invitation was signed by Bacolod City Mayor Alfredo Abelardo B. Benitez, the chairperso­n of the NEDA Board-RDCom Visayas Area Committee and Regional Developmen­t Council-6.

“We are pleased to hear about your memorandum of understand­ing with VNIHC for the implementa­tion of $15-billion project NeCeBoLey which aims to connect the major islands of Negros, Cebu, Bohol, and Leyte through inter-island bridges and expressway­s,” Benitez said.

The NEDA board-RDCom-Visayas Area is composed of the Regional Developmen­t Councils (RDCs) of Western, Central, and Eastern Visayas regions with Bohol Governor Erico Aristotle Aumentado as the chair of RDC VII, Ormoc City Mayor Lucy Marie Torres-Gomez as chairperso­n of RDC VIII and Benitez as chairperso­n of RDC VI.

AG&P Industrial president Alex Gamboa touted their company’s experience in the local constructi­on scene, highlighti­ng their past major projects in the Philippine­s.

These projects include the Ayala Bridge, touted as the first steel bridge in the Philippine­s, Manila’s water and sewage systems, the Araneta Coliseum, as well as the first LNG import terminal of the Philippine­s commission­ed in 2023.

“Pivotal to the country’s economy, Project NeCeBoLey will transform Visayas into a thriving business hub and accelerate socio-economic developmen­t, improving the lives of millions of Filipinos,” Gamboa said.

AG&P Philippine­s signed up to work with Visayas NeCeBoLey Interlink Holdings Corporatio­n (VNIHC) to implement the proposed mega-infrastruc­ture project.

Gamboa stressed that the project will be supported by a private consortium of global partners who will finance, design, construct, operate and maintain the bridges, road and mass transit network composed of four-lane bridges with expanded expressway­s.

Network of roads included

VNIHC chairperso­n Angel Pio Veloso Jr. told DAILY TRIBUNE that the NeCeBoLey involved the developmen­t, operation and maintenanc­e of a 238.05-kilometer network of all-weather bridges and expressway­s.

He explained that this network will “establish vital connectivi­ty among the major islands of the Visayas region, selected for its rapidly growing industrial­ization, urbanizati­on, foreign investment, ecotourism and environmen­tal protection.”

VNIHC was granted certificat­es of acceptance, giving it the original proponent status by the provincial government­s of Negros Oriental, Cebu, Bohol and Southern Leyte to undertake the developmen­t under a public-private partnershi­p framework.

As the project proponent, VNIHC will also procure the requiremen­ts, plan and reporting in accordance with the rules, regulation­s and policies of the local government units involved.

AG&P said that engineerin­g and preconstru­ction work is expected to begin by second quarter of this year.

AG&P which started in the Philippine­s but is now Singapore based was founded in 1900 and is a global industrial infrastruc­ture company, delivering pragmatic gas logistics solutions and constructi­on services for blue-chip clients across some of the world’s most demanding infrastruc­ture projects.

Meanwhile, the Regional Developmen­t Council in Central Visayas (RDC-7) through its chairman Bohol Governor Erico Aristotle Aumentado and NEDA-7 regional director Jennifer Bretana endorsed to President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. the NeCeBoLey as priority and high-impact project last April. At least P7.2 billion is needed for funding allocation by NEDA for the friendship bridge for its feasibilit­y study.

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