Daily Tribune (Philippines)

BuCor pursues reforms; 26 dismissed

- BY ALVIN MURCIA @tribunephl_alvi

Director General Gregorio Pio Catapang said that the cleansing of the Bureau of Correction­s (BuCoR) will persist until discipline and values are deeply instilled in the hearts and minds of all personnel.

He noted that while deserving individual­s have been rewarded with promotions for their exemplary performanc­e, those who remain a liability and bring disgrace to the agency have been dismissed or reprimande­d.

Since Catapang assumed office in October 2022, at least 26 personnel have been dismissed from service due to grave misconduct and gross negligence of duty.

Currently, the BuCor Internal Affairs Office is investigat­ing 71 personnel, while the Intelligen­ce and Investigat­ion Division is probing 35 uniformed and one non-uniformed personnel for various allegation­s and offenses.

Catapang revealed that a total of 129 personnel have been promoted for their commendabl­e work, including two correction­s chief superinten­dents, correction­s superinten­dents, correction­s technical chief inspectors, correction­s chief inspectors, correction­s senior officer IVs, correction­s officers II, correction­s technical officer IIs and nonuniform­ed personnel.

He assured continued promotion for deserving individual­s and vowed to recruit new talent, pledging ongoing reform efforts for the bureau during his tenure as director general.

Catapang expressed confidence that with the assistance of reformed BuCor personnel, they can transform the neglect endured by the bureau over 50 years within five years, emphasizin­g their accelerate­d pace compared to other government agencies.

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