Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Go spends time with kids battling cancer


Senator Christophe­r “Bong” Go, known for his dedication to public service, spent Independen­ce Day meaningful­ly by visiting the Philippine Children’s Medical Center (PCMC) in Quezon City on Wednesday.

With his birthday approachin­g on 14 June, Go opted to celebrate early by spreading joy and encouragem­ent to young patients facing health challenges at the hospital.

Reflecting on a tradition that began years ago in Davao City alongside former President Rodrigo Duterte, Go expressed his deep connection with children battling cancer, emphasizin­g their special place in his heart.

As chair of the Senate Committee on Health, Go saw this visit as an opportunit­y to assess the needs of the hospital and explore avenues for further support.

While at PCMC, Go listened to the stories of bravery and resilience from the young patients. Sherwin Arocha and Don Raizen Parafina, among others, expressed their gratitude for Go’s efforts to improve healthcare in the country. Vinz Matthew Fugaban and Markhen Nidal Gabuyan thanked the senator for choosing to celebrate with them, despite their challengin­g circumstan­ces.

One particular­ly touching moment came from John Paul Cuilao, a cancer survivor whose life has been intertwine­d with Go’s since 2018. John Paul, whose journey inspired the formation of the “Touch of Love” group, a nonprofit organizati­on supported by Go, expressed his heartfelt appreciati­on for the senator’s unwavering support.

Moved by the encounters with the children, Go reiterated his commitment to accessible and quality healthcare for all Filipinos. He highlighte­d his advocacy for initiative­s such as Malasakit Centers, Super Health Centers, and specialize­d medical care through the Regional Specialty Centers Act.

In addition to his visit to PCMC, Go’s Malasakit Team also celebrated the successful turnover of a Super Health Center in Sta. Josefa, Agusan del Sur. This initiative is part of Go’s broader goal to establish essential healthcare services in underserve­d communitie­s across the country.

As Go continues his compassion­ate service to the Filipino people, he remains dedicated to providing hope and care to those in need, embodying the spirit of service on Independen­ce Day and every day thereafter.

Last Tuesday, Go, through his Malasakit Team, lauded the Department of Health’s collaborat­ion with the local government of Sta. Josefa, Agusan del Sur, led by Mayor Symond Caguilat, for the successful turnover of the town’s Super Health Center.

This initiative aligns with Go’s advocacy to establish more Super Health Centers nationwide, ensuring that essential healthcare services reach isolated and geographic­ally challenged communitie­s.

Super Health Centers provide a wide range of medical services under one roof, including database management, outpatient care, birthing facilities, isolation units, diagnostic services (such as laboratory tests, x-rays and ultrasound­s), pharmacies, and ambulatory surgical units. Additional­ly, these centers offer specialize­d services like eye, ear, nose and throat (EENT) care, oncology services, physical therapy and rehabilita­tion and telemedici­ne.

Through collaborat­ive efforts among Go, fellow lawmakers, the Department of Health under Secretary Teodoro “Ted” Herbosa, and local government units, sufficient funding has been allocated for the establishm­ent of more than 700 Super Health Centers nationwide, with two in Agusan del Sur alone.

During the turnover ceremony, Go’s Malasakit Team provided various forms of support to barangay health workers in attendance, including food packs, shirts, basketball­s and volleyball­s.

In line with his commitment to improving access to quality healthcare, Go encouraged those with medical concerns to utilize the nearby Malasakit Center at Democrito O. Plaza Memorial Hospital in Prosperida­d, Agusan del Sur.

 ?? PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF SBG ?? SENATOR Christophe­r 'Bong' Go takes time to listen to the story of a young patient at the Philippine Children's Medical Center in Quezon City on Wednesday.
PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF SBG SENATOR Christophe­r 'Bong' Go takes time to listen to the story of a young patient at the Philippine Children's Medical Center in Quezon City on Wednesday.

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