Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Nation’s pandemic testing capability pushed


The Philippine­s must enhance its testing capacity to better prepare for future pandemics, a Department of Health (DoH) official said on Thursday.

Speaking at the Engaging Media for Health Literacy conference, Faith Caitlyn Valdez, supervisin­g health program officer at the DoH Epidemiolo­gy Bureau, highlighte­d the initial challenges faced during the Covid-19 pandemic regarding detection and data collection.

“I think because we had limited testing capacity when the pandemic started, we faced significan­t challenges,” Valdez said. “So hopefully, if there is a new outbreak, we can immediatel­y establish a system to detect cases.”

Valdez underscore­d the need for a robust informatio­n system to handle the collection and analysis of data on detected cases.

“We must have a ready informatio­n system to collect our detected cases so that we have a way to analyze, interpret, and then we can provide prevention and control measures,” she said.

She pointed out the importance of digital transforma­tion in improving the speed and efficiency of data handling. “Previously, we relied on paper-based forms, which delayed the transmissi­on of data to the national level,” she noted.

“To address this, we need to digitalize our reporting systems. Moving from paper-based forms to web-based reporting will ensure that data is uploaded and processed much faster,” she explained.

Valdez’s remarks came as health officials and stakeholde­rs reflected on the lessons learned from the Covid-19 pandemic and work towards strengthen­ing the country’s health system to mitigate the impact of future public health crises.

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