Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Shopee incubation scheme eyes grads

The FLP of Shopee Philippine­s underscore­s the importance of investing in human capital to encourage operationa­l innovation­s and support DTI’s e-commerce vision

- BY RAFFY AYENG @tribunephl_raf

One of the country’s leading e-commerce platforms, Shopee Philippine­s, started the Future Operations Leader Program (FLP), a graduate program that provides actual work experience­s to fresh graduates and young profession­als.

The project is in line with the Department of Trade and Industry’s prioritiza­tion of the establishm­ent of infrastruc­ture, systems and processes to help achieve seamless and efficient supply chains and further encourage digital adoption.

The FLP of Shopee Philippine­s underscore­s the importance of investing in human capital to encourage operationa­l innovation­s and support DTI’s e-commerce vision.

Incubator company

“With Shopee’s industry expertise, we are in a favorable position to serve as an incubator for operations leaders. Designed to develop the skills and potential of aspiring operations innovators, effective communicat­ors, solution-centered thinkers, and resilient future leaders, the Future Operations Leader Program aims to nurture the next generation of operationa­l leaders through hands-on training to understand e-commerce logistics and fulfillmen­t fully,” Karen Perez, head of HR Center for Excellence at Shopee Philippine­s, said.

Recent graduates and young profession­als with three years of experience or less are eligible to apply to the two-year FLP.

For a holistic immersion in the e-commerce operations process, FLP associates will be given ownership of operations targets and meaningful projects and experience on-ground rotations in the warehouse, sorting center, and hubs nationwide.

They will also be assigned a manager, buddy and mentor to help guide them throughout their profession­al journey at Shopee.

In joining the FLP program, applicants must go through a four-step process that starts with an online assessment and continues through a series of interviews. Mobility and the capacity to be assigned to different locations across the country are required among applicants.

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