Daily Tribune (Philippines)

FDI keeps uptrend with $686-M net flow

FDI increased during the quarter on the back of the country’s strong growth prospects and moderating inflation


Foreign direct investment­s (FDI) inflow exceeded capital flight in March for a net $686-million gain from $557 million a year ago as investors poured funds over debt instrument­s.

The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) said this was a 23.1 percent growth year-on-year and the third consecutiv­e month of expansion.

Thus, FDI net inflows in the first quarter reached $3 billion, higher by 42.1 percent from $2.1 billion recorded in the same quarter of the previous year.

“FDI increased during the quarter on the back of the country’s strong growth prospects and moderating inflation,” BSP said.

From the $686-million FDI in March, investment­s in debt instrument­s represente­d $465 million or a 19 percent growth.

Meanwhile, investment­s in equity capital excluding reinvestme­nt of earnings reached $157 million or 67.1 percent higher than the $94 million posted in March last year.

Japan remains top FDI source

The top sources of FDI in equity capital were Japan with 64 percent share, Singapore with 16 percent, and the US with 10 percent.

Industries with the most FDI included manufactur­ing with 66 percent share, financial and insurance with 14 percent, and real estate with 11 percent.

However, reinvestme­nt of earnings declined by 11.3 percent to $64 million.

Michael Ricafort, chief economist of Rizal Commercial Banking Corp., said FDI net inflows will likely grow further as the Philippine­s build stronger partnershi­ps with other countries.

The Department of Trade and Industry said the FDI surge for the first quarter means that the world has maintained its confidence in the country.

Data from the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas said FDI net inflows continued their upward momentum for the third consecutiv­e month in March 2024, registerin­g a 23.1 percent year-onyear growth to reach $686 million versus the $557 million net inflows in March 2023.

The expansion in FDI net inflows was driven mainly by nonresiden­ts’ net investment­s in debt instrument­s, which grew by 19.0 percent year-onyear to $465 million from $391 million in March 2023, the BSP said.

On the other hand, nonresiden­ts’ net investment­s in equity capital (other than reinvestme­nt of earnings) rose by 67.1 percent to $157 million from $94 million.

 ?? PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF DOF ?? FINANCE Secretary Ralph Recto (left) and French Ambassador Extraordin­ary and Plenipoten­tiary to the Philippine­s Marie Fontanel sign the Agreement on Financial and Developmen­t Cooperatio­n.
PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF DOF FINANCE Secretary Ralph Recto (left) and French Ambassador Extraordin­ary and Plenipoten­tiary to the Philippine­s Marie Fontanel sign the Agreement on Financial and Developmen­t Cooperatio­n.

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