Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Industry kings start VIP shield


The Verde Island Passage Technical Working Group (VIP TWG), led by the Department of Environmen­t and Natural Resources (DENR), which big business pledged to enforce measures that will safeguard the natural resources in the area referred to as Amazon of the Oceans has started.

The Aboitiz Group, Metro Pacific Investment­s Corp. (MPIC), and San Miguel Corp. (SMC) are key partners in this initiative, underscori­ng their commitment to environmen­tal sustainabi­lity and marine biodiversi­ty.

The TWG also includes the Department of Energy as a key partner and shared a vision of energy transition plans for the country.

The Verde Island Passage, situated in the Coral Triangle, is “the center of the center” of marine biodiversi­ty.

The VIP TWG aims to implement strategies for its long-term protection, promoting sustainabl­e practices and reducing human impact.

Since 2018, five provinces have shared a memorandum of understand­ing (MoU) to protect this region.

The current focus is to translate this MoU into concrete actions, including establishi­ng the plans for the VIP marine station for research and monitoring, and collaborat­ion on conservati­on and management programs with local communitie­s.

Its implementa­tion shall be aligned with the 9 other planned marine stations of DENR across different parts of the country.

A Protected Area Suitabilit­y Assessment is ongoing that seeks to determine whether the Verde Island Passage should be designated a Marine Protected Area.

The recent VIP TWG meeting aimed to inventory current initiative­s, find areas of convergenc­e, and plan the next steps to operationa­lize the MoU.

“We are proud to be part of this groundbrea­king initiative,” Sabin Aboitiz, president and CEO of the Aboitiz Group, said.

 ?? PHOTOGRAPH BY KATHRYN JOSE FOR THE DAILY TRIBUNE ?? IMF deputy division chief Elif Arbatli Saxegaard is optimistic of a 6 percent growth this year which is at the high end of the government’s goal.
PHOTOGRAPH BY KATHRYN JOSE FOR THE DAILY TRIBUNE IMF deputy division chief Elif Arbatli Saxegaard is optimistic of a 6 percent growth this year which is at the high end of the government’s goal.

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