Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Phl lifters brace for Taipei training


The Samahang Weightlift­ing ng Pilipinas (SWP) has given up on the plan to send its Olympic qualifiers to China for the last phase of training before they head to Paris.

Instead, SWP president Monico Puentevell­a is eyeing Taipei as the final stop of training for Vanessa Sarno, Elreen Ando and John Ceniza, who are all assured of Paris berths.

A fourth weightlift­er. Rosegie Ramos, is still trying to qualify.

“We intended to train them in China. We tried it for more than a year and even negotiated with the Chinese Embassy but they were very lukewarm with the idea,” Puentevell­a said during the Philippine Sportswrit­ers Associatio­n Forum at the Rizal Memorial Sports Complex.

“Now, even for just one month, we want them to train in Taipei. I hope Taipei accepts them.”

The Philippine­s won its first Olympic gold in Tokyo in 2021 courtesy of weightlift­er Hidilyn Diaz, who spent time in China to train under a Chinese coach leading to the Tokyo Games.

Puentevell­a said Diaz winning the 55-kilogram gold medal in Tokyo may have had an effect in their recent request for the Filipino weightlift­ers to train in China. Curiously, Diaz’ former coach, Chinese Gao Kaiwen, is now based in Taipei.

“I’m not surprised,” said Puentevell­a, who was joined in the forum by Sarno, 20, Ando, 25, and Ceniza, 26.

Sarno will vie in the women’s 71-kg event, Ando in the women’s 59-kg event, and Ceniza in the men’s 61-kg event. Among the three, only Ando is a two-time Olympian after competing in Tokyo.

“I’m happy because all our sacrifices paid off,” said Sarno, who has set high goals for her debut stint in the Olympics.

“Of course, I’m eyeing a gold medal. I want to change the mentality that the first time in the Olympics is just for exposure.”

 ?? PHOTOGRAPH BY JOEY SANCHEZ MENDOZA FOR THE DAILY TRIBUNE @tribunephl_joey ?? WEIGHTLIFT­ING president Monico Puentevell­a (second from right) is determined to send John Ceniza, Elreen Ando and Vanessa Sarno to a training camp in Taipei in preparatio­n for the Paris Olympics.
PHOTOGRAPH BY JOEY SANCHEZ MENDOZA FOR THE DAILY TRIBUNE @tribunephl_joey WEIGHTLIFT­ING president Monico Puentevell­a (second from right) is determined to send John Ceniza, Elreen Ando and Vanessa Sarno to a training camp in Taipei in preparatio­n for the Paris Olympics.

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