Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Putin takes oath for 5th pres’l term

Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic and the United States snub invite


MOSCOW, Russia (AFP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin was Tuesday sworn into office at a lavish Kremlin ceremony for a record-breaking fifth term with more power than ever before.

The 71-year-old has ruled Russia since the turn of the century, securing a fresh six-year mandate in March after winning presidenti­al elections devoid of all opposition.

The inaugurati­on was held at the Saint Andrew Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace, followed by a brief address to Russians. It was broadcast live on most major Russian television channels from around midday, when a luxury motorcade drove Putin to the palace.

Government officials and foreign diplomats in Moscow have been invited to the ceremony, including French ambassador Pierre Levy, who is expected to attend.

Other European countries including Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic have signalled that they will not send representa­tives amid soured tensions over the conflict in Ukraine.

“We will not have a representa­tive at his inaugurati­on,” US State Department spokespers­on Matthew Miller told reporters Monday.

Asked if the boycott meant the United States considered Putin illegitima­te, Miller said, “We certainly did not consider that election free and fair, but he is the president of Russia and is going to continue in that capacity.”

Putin, 71, has led Russia as either president or prime minister since the turn of the century. The election commission said in March that he won a fifth term with 87.28 percent of the votes.

His landslide victory in the presidenti­al election was panned by most internatio­nal observers and dismissed as rigged by opposition and rights groups.

The inaugurati­on comes two days before Russia marks Victory Day on 9 May, an event that has taken on renewed symbolism as Putin compares his offensive in Ukraine to Russia’s fight against Nazi Germany in World War II.

Authoritie­s have erected barriers throughout Moscow’s city center ahead of both events.

Putin kicks off his six-year term emboldened by advances on the battlefiel­d in Ukraine and sustained economic growth, despite a barrage of Western sanctions.

 ?? WOJTEK RADWANSKI/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE ?? WOODEN plaques with messages and prayers that have been placed by participan­ts on a railtrack leading to the former Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi death camp in Brzezinka (Birkenau) near Oswiecim (Auschwitz), Poland are pictured during the annual ‘March of The Living’ to honor the victims of the Holocaust at the Memorial and Museum Auschwitz II-Birkenau. According to the organizers, 55 Holocaust survivors from around the world, including Holocaust survivors who were victims of the 7 October Hamas attack on Israel, will be present in Oswiecim during the march to highlight global solidarity with the Jewish people amid global rise in antisemiti­sm.
WOJTEK RADWANSKI/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE WOODEN plaques with messages and prayers that have been placed by participan­ts on a railtrack leading to the former Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi death camp in Brzezinka (Birkenau) near Oswiecim (Auschwitz), Poland are pictured during the annual ‘March of The Living’ to honor the victims of the Holocaust at the Memorial and Museum Auschwitz II-Birkenau. According to the organizers, 55 Holocaust survivors from around the world, including Holocaust survivors who were victims of the 7 October Hamas attack on Israel, will be present in Oswiecim during the march to highlight global solidarity with the Jewish people amid global rise in antisemiti­sm.

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