Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Just being ‘sili’


It seemed the magnificen­t Mayon Volcano knew that guests were coming. There she stood in the distance, at first hiding her face behind wisps of clouds. Everyone laying eyes on her, framed by the bluest sky, the greenest hills and the brilliant Bicol summer sun, could not help but gawk.

She truly is a beauty, my Mayon, the perfect volcano that was a common sight in my youth. She was everywhere we were, a constant presence we sadly learned to ignore.

It wasn’t until we made our way back, some of us many years later, that Mayon began to figure in our dreams.

We yearned to come back someday, perhaps for good, to spend what might be our waning years under the watchful gaze of Magayon.

But last weekend, all roads, it seemed, led to Albay. The first Bicol Loco Festival organized by Ako Bicol Party-list Rep. Elizaldy Co reportedly drew 85,000 to catch the hot air balloon show and rock concert featuring Bicolanos Ely Buendia of the Eraserhead­s and Jericho Rosales, among other entertaine­rs.

Co is determined to boost the region’s fame and enliven its economy with events that would turn the world’s eyes on it once more.

Not that Mayon Volcano has ever been ignored — not by non-denizens of this bright and beautiful province, that is.

“This grand festival is more than just an event, it’s a platform for cultural exchange, a catalyst for economic developmen­t, and a grandiose expression of pride for

Mayon Volcano and the Bicol region’s vibrant heritage,” Co was quoted in reports.

From spicy dishes starring the siling labuyo, to pili nuts and abaca, and beaches of black or white sand, Bicolandia’s tourism has spiked over the last decade, with domestic tourism receiving a significan­t boost in the past year alone.

Tourism Secretary Christina Frasco believes the surge in domestic travel has to do with strategic planning for long weekends, enabling locals to make the most of their own country.

The Department of Tourism reports on its website: “Reflecting on the statistica­l insights from 2022 that were released in mid-2023, the

Philippine Statistics Authority noted a staggering 102 million domestic trips, contributi­ng an impressive P1.5 trillion to domestic tourism expenditur­e. Among the overall P1.87 trillion in internal tourism expenditur­e, inclusive of spending by foreign visitors and Filipinos residing abroad, a substantia­l P1.5 trillion was directly attributed to domestic tourism spending.”

For many Filipinos, exploring and rediscover­ing places in their own country has led many to believe it need not cost much to enjoy time with family, friends or even alone.

As for me, I got to have a few precious days to gaze at the clearest blue waters from the island called Subic Matnog in Sorsogon — far from the crowds gawking at hot air balloons and rock stars — and found respite in the company of childhood friends.

Since hitting “a certain age,” we have tried to meet yearly — a homecoming, indeed, not just for our school, but for our souls.


many Filipinos, exploring and rediscover­ing places in their own country has led many to believe it need not cost much to enjoy time with family, friends or even alone. “We yearned to come back someday, perhaps for good, to spend what might be our waning years under the watchful gaze of Magayon.

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