Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Common Indo-Pacific voice pressed


President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Tuesday said there is a need for Indo-Pacific countries to speak together, come to a clear understand­ing of their concerns, and adhere to internatio­nal laws.

Marcos pointed this out during his meeting with newly designated New Zealand Ambassador to the Philippine­s Catherine Rosemary McIntosh.

Smaller countries should band together and “make sure that the continuing freedom of navigation and trade in the region is safeguarde­d,” the President said.

He said he was keen on seeing increased tourism and trade between the Philippine­s and New Zealand through the restoratio­n of air links.

He added that he was hopeful the two countries’ respective regulators and carriers could discuss the matter.

“Filipinos would love to go to New Zealand. And I do believe that New Zealanders would like to see the Philippine­s as well,” Marcos said.

“So I think that’s another area of interest that we should explore and hope to promote in your stay here,” he told the new ambassador.

The President said both countries should encourage connectivi­ty given the economic transforma­tion the Philippine­s is trying to achieve. The government is encouragin­g accessibil­ity to smaller regional airports, he added.

“We need two new airports. We are in the process of building them but for now, I think the way to go is to provide access to the smaller regional airports, which are close to or within the tourist destinatio­ns,” he said.

“But then there are the business [passengers] too and we are also trying to decongest Manila,” he said.

McIntosh, who presented her credential­s to the President, pressed for the return of direct air service between Manila and New Zealand.

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