Daily Tribune (Philippines)

NFA: RTL tied gov’t hands


The Rice Tarifficat­ion Law (RTL) prevented the government from intervenin­g to stabilize the sales of rice in the local market, the National Food Authority (NFA) said on Tuesday.

“We think that after the RTL, the government’s hands were tied, preventing it from intervenin­g in the market to stabilize the price particular­ly of rice,” NFA officer-in-charge administra­tor Larry Lacson said in a radio interview.

He said the proposed creation of the Rice Industry Developmen­t Program Management Office (RIDPMO), among the amendments to the RTL, will help ensure a more coordinate­d management of the government’s rice programs.

“In my opinion, it is only right that the operation and management of the program should be done in unison when it comes to palay,” Lacson said.

“Because right now the Rice Competitiv­eness Enhancemen­t Fund (RCEF) is separate. There is also a National Rice Program, so when the project management office is put up, we will have one office that will manage, which is what I think is right,” he said.

Lacson noted that the RTL and NFA can help regulate rice prices during emergencie­s in case some traders are thinking of taking advantage by jacking up rice prices.

“If it can be put in the amendments to the RTL that the government can step in in cases of emergency or, let’s say, unusual price movements in the market. It will be a big hindrance to traders who will think of taking advantage. The government is a big deterrent to fraud,” he said.

Lacson thanked farmers who contribute­d to filling the NFA’s rice inventory.

“We are grateful that the farmers cooperated in filling our buffer stock. We are happy, and we will continue our duty to improve the welfare of our farmers and, of course, the people in general,” he said.

The Department of Agricultur­e on Monday backed the extension of the RTL stemming from the “lack of significan­t investment­s in agricultur­al infrastruc­ture over the past 27 years.”

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