The Pak Banker

Pakistan, US discuss protection of Afghan refugees, asylum seekers


Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar and United States Ambassador to Pakistan Donald Blome on Tuesday discussed the protection of Afghan refugees and asylum seekers in Pakistan amid several other bilateral issues during a meeting in Islamabad, a statement from the US Embassy said.

A large number of Afghan immigrants, with an estimated 1.7 million undocument­ed as of October 2023, reside in Pakistan. Last year, the then caretaker government announced the repatriati­on of all illegal foreigners citing security concerns.

The decision was allegedly made for Afghan refugees, but officials denied it.

According to a statement issued by US Mission spokespers­on Jonathan Lalley, US Ambassador Blome met Deputy Prime Minister Dar today and discussed issues which included the “protection of Afghan refugees and asylum seekers, economic cooperatio­n, security, and counterter­rorism and regional cooperatio­n”.

It said that the ambassador welcomed the opportunit­y to hear from the deputy premier on Pakistan’s “priorities in the lead-up to the UN General Assembly” as the country prepared to begin its term as a nonpermane­nt member of the UN Security Council (UNSC).

Pakistan launched the first round of deportatio­n in November last year, and according to state-run Radio Pakistan, 675,190 Afghans have returned to their country as of August 4 under the drive.

While the government had decided to begin the second round of repatriati­on of holders of Afghan Citizenshi­p Cards (ACC), it last month granted 1.45m Afghan refugees another year, extending their permitted stay in Pakistan till June 30, 2025.

Meanwhile, the Joint Action

Committee for Refugees urged the government to “remember that ordinary Afghans in Pakistan are not security threats … but ordinary families who have made Pakistan their home or themselves fled the Taliban”.

It said the government must push the West to take its share of asylumseek­ers and refugees, and to speed up processing so that families could be reunited within Pakistan.

“Hastily announced expulsion programmes only result in harm to families and individual­s who are a part Pakistan.”

Meanwhile, a statement issued by the Foreign Office (FO) said that the discussion between Dar and Blome covered various aspects of the bilateral relationsh­ip between the countries, including avenues for enhanced cooperatio­n in diverse fields.

“They also discussed matters relating to the upcoming session of the UN General Assembly,” the FO said.

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