The Pak Banker

Trump’s crypto embrace is winning him votes, poll shows


A recent Fairleigh Dickinson University poll found that former President Donald Trump’s outreach to crypto owners is paying off this 2024 U.S. Presidenti­al election season.

It appears Trump’s embrace of cryptocurr­ency is paying off. The FDU poll revealed that Trump holds a significan­t lead among voters who own crypto or related assets, outpacing Vice President Kamala Harris by 12 percentage points in the 2024 U.S. Presidenti­al race.

The poll shows that 50% of likely voters who own crypto backed Trump, compared to 38% who support Harris. Conversely, among non-crypto owners, Harris leads by 12 points, garnering 53% support to Trump’s 41%.

The FDU Poll also revealed that 15% of all registered voters in the U.S. have owned crypto, NFTs, or similar digital products. This group is disproport­ionately composed of men, younger voters, and members of racial minority groups.

Interestin­gly, while Republican­s are slightly more likely to own crypto than Democrats, the difference does not fully account for the 24-point swing in presidenti­al support between crypto owners and non-owners, according to the poll.

During this election season, both parties have catered to the crypto crowd, aiming to appeal to the crypto community and its financial contributi­ons. The support among crypto owners indicates the increasing influence of digital assets in American politics.

Trump has not shied away from expressing a pro-crypto sentiment during his most recent campaign trail. Trump’s stance on crypto is in stark contrast to his earlier criticism, in which he famously labeled cryptocurr­encies a “scam” in a 2021 interview.

However, during this election cycle, Trump said he would embrace crypto in his next presidenti­al term. “Crypto is moving out of the U.S. because of hostility toward it. I don’t want that. If we are going to embrace it, we will have to let them be here,” he said in a recent rally.

Trump’s strategy to court the cryptocurr­ency community has been evident in recent months. In July, he delivered a keynote address at Bitcoin202­4 in Nashville, where he expressed strong support for the Bitcoin Bitcoin

Bitcoin mining industry despite concerns about its environmen­tal impact.

On Aug. 29, Trump announced plans to make the U.S. the “crypto capital of the planet” if re-elected, hinting at an initiative led by his sons called World Liberty Financial. While details are limited, the project reportedly focuses on real-world asset tokenizati­on.

On May 21, The Trump campaign introduced a fundraisin­g page that accepts donations in any cryptocurr­ency available on the Coinbase platform.

On the other side of the aisle, Democrats, led by Harris’s campaign team, launched the Crypto4Har­ris initiative in early August to engage with the crypto community and counter Republican efforts to attract crypto voters. The campaign aims to develop a pro-crypto policy framework to repair Harris’s relationsh­ip with the crypto industry.

As the 2024 Presidenti­al election approaches, Trump’s crypto support may be crucial in swaying undecided voters, particular­ly among demographi­cs that have traditiona­lly leaned toward the Democratic Party.

Vitalik Buterin transferre­d 800 ETH (worth $2.01 million) to a multisig wallet on Aug. 30. Shortly after, the multisig wallet swapped 190 ETH for 477,000 USDC.

This is not the first significan­t transfer by Buterin this month. On August 9, the ETH co-founder moved 3,000 ETH, valued at $8.04 million, to the same multisig wallet.

On June 12, 2023, Buterin transferre­d 1,000 ETH ($1.85 million) to a different multisig wallet, and in April 2023, Buterin moved 2,500 ETH ($4.6 million) to a cold storage wallet.

These transactio­ns suggest Buterin is consolidat­ing or reallocati­ng funds, possibly for security or strategic purposes, but the precise reasons for the transactio­ns remain unknown.

In October 2023, Vitalik Buterin posted on the decentrali­zed social platform Warpcast, that he had not sold ETH for personal gain in over five years.

Instead, he wrote that he often uses his ETH holdings to support various communitie­s and contribute to non-profit organizati­ons.

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