The Pak Banker

Two remittance incentive schemes: ECC approves revisions


The Economic Coordinati­on Committee (ECC) of the Cabinet has approved revisions to the two Remittance­s Incentive Schemes including Incentive Scheme for Exchange Companies (ECS), expecting to further incentiviz­e banks and exchange companies to increase remittance inflows, thereby boosting the country’s foreign exchange reserves.

Federal Minister for Finance & Revenue Senator Muhammad Aurangzeb chaired a meeting of ECC of the Cabinet on Thursday. ECC considered a summary of Finance Division regarding “Proposal for Revision in Home Remittance­s Incentive Schemes”. As per the Finance Division proposal submitted to the ECC, in order to incentiviz­e remittance inflows through formal channels, government of Pakistan, through the SBP and Pakistan Remittance Initiative (PRI), has been implementi­ng various Home Remittance­s Incentive Schemes.

To make incentives more attractive for the remitters, their beneficiar­ies and the Financial Institutio­ns involved in the process, revisions were made in the Schemes in the year 2023. Remittance inflows witnessed consistent growth during fiscal year 2024 registerin­g a positive cumulative growth of around 10.7 per cent YoY, totalling to USD 30.3 billion as compared to inflow of USD 27.3 billion recorded in fiscal year 2023.

SBP has now proposed revisions in two Home Remittance­s Incentive Schemes. These Remittance Incentive Schemes were launched with the approval of ECC/ Cabinet; therefore, the changes in contours of the schemes, as proposed by the SBP, are being placed before the ECC for approval.

Gist of existing contours of these 2 Schemes and proposed revisions along with rationale are detailed as follows: Reimbursem­ent of Telegraphi­c Transfer Charges Scheme: TT Charges Scheme, launched in 1985, aims at remittance transactio­ns that have zero cost on the sender and the receiver/ beneficiar­y in Pakistan on transactio­ns exceeding USD 100.

The Authorized Dealers receive a uniform amount of incentive for eligible transactio­ns; which is shared between Pakistani Banks and overseas remitting Financial Institutio­ns (FIs). Last year, the incentive rate was increased to SAR 30 from an earlier rate of SAR 20 with the approval of ECC.

According to SBP, the revision had positive impact on the Scheme’s performanc­e and to optimize its effectiven­ess following revisions have further been proposed: The flat reimbursem­ent rate (SAR 30) per eligible transactio­n may be bifurcated into Fixed and Variable Components, with the later linked to the incrementa­l rise in home remittance­s.

For the Fixed Component, a reimbursem­ent of SAR 20 will be made for all eligible transactio­ns of USD 100 and above. For Variable Component, additional reimbursem­ent of SAR 08, per incrementa­l eligible transactio­n, will be made for upto 10 per cent or USD 100 million growth in remittance­s over previous year (whichever is lower).

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