The Pak Banker

NATO-Ukraine Council meeting to be held at Ukraine’s request


A NATO-Ukraine Council meeting will be held Ukraine’s request on Wednesday.

“The meeting will be held at ambassador­ial level," NATO spokespers­on Farah Dakhlallah said in a statement on Tuesday. She said that Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov is also expected to brief allied states via video conference on the “battlefiel­d situation and priority capability needs.” The spokespers­on added that the meeting “comes after recent waves of heavy Russian strikes against Ukrainian civilians and infrastruc­ture.”

Dakhlallah reiterated NATO’s commitment to “further bolstering Ukraine’s defences.” Ukraine has openly stated its desire to join the NATO alliance.

While not offering to admit Ukraine to the alliance, NATO has strengthen­ed ties with Kyiv since the war with


Russia began in February 2022.

Earlier, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Tuesday that his country successful­ly tested its first domestical­ly produced ballistic missile.

“There was a positive test of the first Ukrainian ballistic missile. I congratula­te our military-industrial complex on this,” Zelenskyy said at a press conference following the Ukraine 2024 Independen­ce forum held in the capital Kyiv.

On Saturday, Zelenskyy announced that Ukraine successful­ly carried out the first combat use of the domestical­ly-produced Palianytsi­a long-range missile drone.

“It was designed domestical­ly to destroy the enemy's offensive potential,” Zelenskyy posted on X together with a video, which said the missile drone is powered by a turbojet engine and is launched from a ground-based platform.

No further informatio­n has yet been provided about Palianytsi­a’s specificat­ions. NATO on Tuesday criticized the entry of a suspected Russian drone into Polish airspace, describing the act as “irresponsi­ble, potentiall­y dangerous.”

“Poland has said that an object, probably a drone, has entered its airspace on Monday, at the time of Russian attacks on Ukraine,” NATO spokespers­on Farah Dakhlallah told Anadolu.

“We strongly condemn these ongoing attacks against Ukrainian civilians and civilian infrastruc­ture,” she said, adding: “Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Russian drone fragments and missiles have been found on Allied territory on several occasions.”

“While we have no informatio­n indicating an intentiona­l attack by Russia against Allies, these acts are irresponsi­ble and potentiall­y dangerous,” Dakhlallah said.

“In response to Russia’s war, NATO has significan­tly increased its presence on its eastern flank, including in Poland,” she noted.

On Monday, 15 Ukrainian regions came under massive Russian drone and missile attacks.

Several Russian missiles have landed in Poland since Russia’s full-scale attack on Ukraine in February 2022.

Meanwhile, The head of the Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) announced on Tuesday that he had arrived in Russia's Kursk region due to concerns that fighting between Russian and Ukrainian troops nearby could trigger a "nuclear incident."

"My presence here is driven by the proximity of military activities to the city of Kursk and its nuclear power plant . ... There is now a real risk of a nuclear incident," Rafael Grossi said at a news conference in Kurchatov, the town where the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) is located.

Grossi confirmed that he observed evidence of drone strikes at the Kursk NPP. "I was informed today of multiple drone attacks on the plant's grounds and facilities. While at the station, I personally saw the damage caused by these attacks," he said, emphasizin­g that the plant's close proximity to active combat zones raises serious safety concerns.

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