The Pak Banker

PM shows mailed fist to militants, offers talks too


A day after at least 50 people lost their lives in militant attacks across Balochista­n, the government reiterated the resolve to “uproot” terrorism while keeping the door of dialogue open for those willing to abide by the Constituti­on.

Separately, senators called for across-the-board consensus on a strategy to deal with the threat of terrorism.

Addressing the federal cabinet on Tuesday, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said the armed forces would be provided with all resources to root out terrorism at all costs.

“We have told the armed forces of Pakistan that whatever resources they need would be provided by cutting down other expenditur­es. There would be no shortage of funds,” said the PM.

The cabinet endorsed the decision of its Economic Coordinati­on Committee (ECC) to approve Rs60 billion for Operation Azm-iIstehkam. The initial disburseme­nt of Rs20bn in the first phase would be immediatel­y released, with the remaining funds to be released on a need-to-need basis.

The PM said the “time for wiping out terrorism has come”, adding that it is the “unwavering resolve” of the army chief to end terrorism at all costs. “There are no two opinions. The entire nation is unanimous about this.”

At the same time, the prime minister said doors for dialogue “were open and would remain open” for those who believe in Pakistan and “respect its national flag and the Constituti­on”.

“However, there would be no talks with the enemies and terrorists, nor any clemency.” The PM said it is no longer a secret that the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) was operating from Afghanista­n.

Pakistan had informed the Afghan government of its concerns and conducted effective operations against terrorists, he added.

He said the only objective of the ongoing wave of terrorism in Balochista­n was to “create anarchy in the country” and “hamper the progress”.

“They want to disrupt the developmen­t of Balochista­n and other parts of the country through the ChinaPakis­tan Economic Corridor,” the prime minister said, while referring to the terrorists’ intentions.

The PM said he would soon visit Balochista­n and hold detailed consultati­ons for immediate actions on the ground. “We have to move forward with complete determinat­ion. There is no space for any kind of weakness. There is no question of debility.”

On the other hand, Deputy Prime Minister Muhammad Ishaq Dar while speaking in the Senate offered the “disgruntle­d Baloch separatist­s” to hold talks with the government but made it clear that “violence in the name of anger” was not acceptable.

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