The Pak Banker

Japan calls off Moon lander mission


Japan’s space agency said on Monday it had ended its Moon lander operation after losing communicat­ion with the uncrewed spaceship last week.

The Smart Lander for Investigat­ing Moon (SLIM), dubbed the “Moon Sniper” for its landing precision, touched down eight months ago — making Japan only the fifth nation to achieve a soft lunar landing.

The Japan Aerospace Exploratio­n Agency (JAXA) wrote on X (formerly Twitter) there was no response from the SLIM after trying to communicat­e last week following three frigid lunar nights or six cold weeks.

“We judged that there was no prospect of restoring communicat­ion with SLIM, and at around 22:40 (1340 GMT) on August 23, we sent a command to stop the SLIM activity,” JAXA said, nearly a year after launching the operation.

“SLIM continued to transmit informatio­n on its status and the surroundin­g environmen­t for a much longer period than expected. At the time of launch, no one imagined that the operation would continue this long,” it said.

The touchdown of the unmanned lander in January was a success, but it landed at a wonky angle that left its solar panels facing the wrong way.

As the sun’s angle shifted, it came back to life for two days and carried out scientific observatio­ns of a crater with a high-spec camera.

The SLIM was not designed for the freezing, twoweek-long lunar nights, when the temperatur­e plunges to minus 133 degrees, but it works up for a third time in April. The spacecraft carried two probes one with a transmitte­r and a mini-rover that moves like a turtle around the lunar surface beaming images back to Earth.

The SLIM’s mission aims to examine a part of the Moon’s mantle — the usually deep inner layer beneath its crust — believed to be accessible at the crater where it landed.

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