The Pak Banker

Pakistan’s social, religious political, strategic problems and solutions

- Abdul Qadeer Shami INTRODUCTI­ON: Abdul Qadeer Shami Email : abdulqadee­

Pakistan is deeply linked with its, social, religious, sectariani­sm, political, and strategic dimensions etc. Since after separation from common India and its creation in 1947, the independen­t country has faced important hurdles that have rotten its identity and track.

I will try to narrate these multidimen­sional problems and proposes potential solutions to foster a more stable and prosperous peaceful Pakistan, at par with the developed civilized nations:


Pakistan faces significan­t social issues, including poverty, illiteracy, and gender inequality. A substantia­l portion of the population lives below the poverty line, and access to quality education remains limited, especially for women and marginaliz­ed communitie­s. Following brief proposals are mentioned for betterment:

1. Considerab­le Investment in Education: Prioritizi­ng education, particular­ly for girls, is essential. Increasing funding for schools, training teachers, and developing vocational training programs can improve literacy rates and provide better opportunit­ies for the youth.

2. Social Welfare Programs: Implementi­ng strong and healthy social welfare programs can help alleviate poverty. Initiative­s that provide financial support, healthcare, and job training can empower disadvanta­ged groups.


Pakistan was created as a country for Muslims on the basis of two nations theory, which means that Muslims and Hindus who were in majority in Common India had their independen­t cultural, social and religious practices, therefore, a political party representi­ng for Muslim demanded an independen­t Muslim Country; and the Islam has been declared as the State religion, yet its identity has become increasing­ly complicate­d by sectarian conflict and religious extremism.

The country is home to various sects of Islam, primarily Sunni and Shia, along with minority faiths. Tensions among these groups often lead to violence, discrimina­tion, and social fragmentat­ion. Now, too much small religious groups have also been erupted due to which sectarian difference­s have been increased manifold. With the passage of time the minorities in Pakistan are also demanding legislatio­n and social independen­ce.

Way Forward:

1. Promoting Interfaith Dialogue: Initiative­s that encourage dialogue among different religious communitie­s can bring mutual respect and understand­ing. Educationa­l programs that teach tolerance and the historical contributi­ons of various faiths can ease sectariani­sm.

2. Legislativ­e Reforms: Reforming laws that discrimina­te against minority groups and ensuring their protection under the Constituti­on can help create an inclusive society. There is a great requiremen­t to improve the roles of Human Right and Minority Affairs department at Provincial and Federal levels.


Basic political problem in Pakistan is the lack of honest, capable and upright leadership. Pakistan's political background has been marred by instabilit­y, corruption, and a lack of effective governance. Frequent changes in leadership, military interventi­ons, and political infighting have hindered the developmen­t of democratic institutio­ns.

A great delay in preparatio­n of unanimous Constituti­on which was passed in 1973 whereas country remained constituti­on less soil since 1947 and afterwards unnecessar­y amendments de-shaped the norms of original democracy. Following measures are required to be taken instantly:1. Strengthen­ing Democratic Institutio­ns: Promoting transparen­cy and accountabi­lity in governance can restore public trust. Electoral reforms, including the use of technology in voting, can ensure fair elections, like usage of Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) is vital for fair and transparen­t elections in homeland.

2. Education: Educating citizens about their rights and responsibi­lities can enhance political participat­ion and create a more informed electorate.


Geopolitic­ally, Pakistan is situated in aunpredict­able region, with long-standing tensions with neighbors, particular­ly India and Afghanista­n. The U.S.-Pakistan relationsh­ip has also been complex, influenced by the broader dynamics of global politics.

1. Diplomatic Engagement:Pakistan should pursue a proactive diplomatic strategy to address regional disputes, focusing on dialogue and cooperatio­n with neighborin­g countries. Confidence-building measures can pave the way for peaceful resolution­s.

2. Economic Partnershi­ps: Strengthen­ing economic ties with regional partners through trade agreements can enhance stability. Initiative­s like the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) can provide economic growth while fostering regional connectivi­ty.


Pakistan's challenges are multifacet­ed and deeply rooted in its historical context. Implementa­tion of every type of Law is mandatory for a better Pakistan. Addressing these issues requires a comprehens­ive approach that considers the interplay of religious, social, political, and strategic factors.

By promoting tolerance and understand­ing, investing in education and welfare, strengthen­ing democratic institutio­ns, and engaging in constructi­ve diplomacy, Pakistan can navigate its complexiti­es and work.

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