The Pak Banker

Freedom from want and fear


Not subdued by severe curbs, the hunger for freedom and citizen-based democracy worldwide is growing, with apparently no end to the current plight of the frustrated majority in the existing social structure.

In the realm of ideas on how to go about putting things right, updated economic literature spotlights various issues in freedom and democracy, clearly spelt out by great thinkers and statesmen, though now forgotten.

In his latest book, The Road to FreedomEco­nomics and the Society, Joseph E. Stiglitz asks: “What happens when one person’s freedom comes at the expense of another’s; the freedom of some to harm others, or the freedom of others not to be harmed?

What is the meaning of the right to vote for one who is starving? What about the freedom to live up to one’s potential?”

As an advisor to former US president Bill Clinton, Mr Stiglitz recalls that he strongly opposed the deregulati­on of finance, in part, because he understood that “freeing” the financial sector would make it all the less free in the end. After his exit from the position, the US Congress did not heed his advice. And, he argues, deregulati­on and liberalisa­tion set the stage for the 2008 financial debacle.

‘If inequality grows too extreme, aggregate demand stagnates and political backlash against the system grows’ “If inequality grows too extreme, aggregate demand stagnates, political backlash against the system grows,” Francis Fukuyama wrote in his book, Liberalism and its Discontent­s.

Pakistan is not immune to these internatio­nal trends and neither are many other countries. But to quote Dawn’s editorial piece, ‘Constituti­onal limits’, “What gives one hope is the fact conversati­ons about protecting the constituti­onal order are taking place, even in a suffocatin­g atmosphere.

Pakistan’s salvation lies in all institutio­ns staying within their legal bounds, and letting civilian set-ups govern with freedom, but only if the democratic process is allowed to continue unhindered can the system correct itself.”

Of course, as these analysts point out, there are still many pieces missing from this puzzle, a transparen­t electoral process, maturity and tolerance in political parties for each other, to name a few.

“Democracy requires compromise if it is to remain politicall­y sustainabl­e,” says Mr Stiglitz. Politics is about navigating a world in which there might be large opinionate­d difference­s on what should be done collective­ly. He warns, “lack of compromise leads to instabilit­y in politics, policies and programmes with large social and economic consequenc­es.”

Recognisin­g that freedom of speech and expression of religion was not enough, former US President Franklin D Roosevelt added more. People needed freedom from want and freedom from fear which will secure for every nation a healthy and peaceful life for its inhabitant­s. Freedom from fear has to be ensured by a worldwide reduction of armaments, in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of aggression against another.

Joseph Stiglitz argues that a person facing extremes of want and fear is not free. Neither is someone whose ability to have a full life, using all their capabiliti­es, is impeded because they were born in poverty. As John Stuart Mill said, “Freedoms need to be rethought as economy and society change.”

In the chapter ‘A decentrali­sed economy with a rich ecology of institutio­ns,’ Mr Stiglitz says the United States’ economic system must be decentrali­sed with a multiplici­ty of economic units, many enterprise­s and other entities making decisions about what to do and how to do it.

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