The Pak Banker

Every country has its own foreign policy importance: Atta Tarar


KARACHI: Pakistan is committed to good relations with all friendly countries and every country has its own importance and position in the country’s foreign policy, Informatio­n Minister Atta Tarar said on Monday.

In a statement, the minister said Pakistan was committed to have a good and close relations, based on mutual trust and cooperatio­n, with all friendly countries.

“Relations with one country cannot come at cost of relations with another country,” he remarked.

Every country has its own importance and position in Pakistan’s foreign policy, Mr Tarar said, adding the country had given a due importance to every other state and would continue to do so.

He also clarified the prime minister’s remarks during a conversati­on with journalist­s on Sunday, saying that the PM had said that relations of Pakistan with one country did not affect the other. The minister clarified that the prime minister had spoken to the journalist­s in the context of China’s special assistance to Pakistan from 2013 to 2018, especially in addressing energy crises and making investment­s amid the environmen­t of terrorism.

Earlier, The minister claimed that the July 12 decision was not in line with some articles of the Constituti­on relating to the reserved seats. Mr Tarar added that PTI members had been provided relief, but those lawmakers elected on reserved seats, who had taken oaths of their membership, were removed.

The informatio­n minister claimed that the due procedure was followed in the election of those lawmakers who have now been stripped of their membership.

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