The Pak Banker

Govt to cut returns to bring down power tariffs


With growing unease over unaffordab­le energy tariffs, the government is working on reducing the return on equity (ROE) for its plants and offering improved prices to attract additional investment­s in hydrocarbo­n exploratio­n and developmen­t.

Informed sources told Dawn that the government had already decided to scale down the ROE for public sector power projects, including hydropower.

Since most of the ongoing projects’ financials were linked to local and internatio­nal debt, different financial models were being looked into.

What could be a trade-off between a revision in return on government equity and a dent in the budget or the financials of generation companies is yet to be examined.

The government has also decided in principle to sell profitable energy sector entities like Oil and Gas Developmen­t Company Ltd, Pakistan Petroleum Ltd, and Pakistan State Oil to Global Capable Companies (GCCs) through strategic divestment and management control. Work is also being pushed again to separate gas companies’ pipeline and transmissi­on businesses from distributi­on activities and then privatise them.

In this respect, the government is finalising working models for buying back old and inefficien­t legal power plants through Pakistan investment bonds and expediting talks with provinces to effectivel­y implement weighted average cost of gas (WACOG), including local gas and imported LNG.

The government is also re-arranging monthly LNG cargoes within the existing annual envelope with Qatar for efficient and enhanced utilisatio­n in the power sector.

Plans selling profitable energy firms to global majors

On the other hand, the government is currently in talks with China for a G2G engagement in the exploratio­n side, for which an offshore basin and benchmarki­ng study has already been completed. A total of 24 offshore blocks have been identified for auction. The Chinese government has already acquired substantia­l seismic data in the offshore area through three major offshore expedition­s.

Simultaneo­usly, the government has also engaged internatio­nal consultanc­y services like Wood Mackenzie, LMKR, and KPMG for the fresh push for tight gas policy, a fresh attempt for offshore exploratio­n based on results of past failures and the real causes of circular debt and cashflow issues in the gas sector.

In this regard, the government is expected to announce “some compelling incentives” shortly for exploratio­n and offer both onshore and offshore concession blocks.

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