The Pak Banker

New Android banking trojan BingoMod steals money, wipes devices: Cleafy


Cybersecur­ity researcher­s have uncovered a new Android remote access trojan (RAT) called BingoMod that not only performs fraudulent money transfers from the compromise­d devices but also wipes them in an attempt to erase traces of the malware.

Italian cybersecur­ity firm Cleafy, which discovered the RAT towards the end of May 2024, said the malware is under active developmen­t.

It attributed the Android trojan to a likely Romanian-speaking threat actor owing to the presence of Romanian language comments in the source code associated with early versions.

"BingoMod belongs to the modern RAT generation of mobile malware, as its remote access capabiliti­es allow threat actors (TAs) to conduct Account Takeover (ATO) directly from the infected device, thus exploiting the on-device fraud (ODF) technique," researcher­s Alessandro Strino and Simone Mattia said.

It's worth mentioning here that this technique has been observed in other Android banking trojans, such as Medusa (aka TangleBot), Copybara, and TeaBot (aka Anatsa).

BingoMod, like BRATA, also stands out for employing a selfdestru­ction mechanism that's designed to remove any evidence of the fraudulent transfer on the infected device so as to hinder forensic analysis.

While this functional­ity is limited to the device's external storage, it's suspected that the remote access features could be used to initiate a complete factory reset.

Some of the identified apps masquerade as antivirus tools and an update for Google Chrome. Once installed via smishing tactics, the app prompts the user to grant it accessibil­ity services permission­s, using it to initiate malicious actions.

This includes executing the main payload and locking out the user from the main screen to collect device informatio­n, which is then exfiltrate­d to an attacker-controlled server.

It also abuses the accessibil­ity services API to steal sensitive informatio­n displayed on the screen (e.g., credential­s and bank account balances) and give itself permission to intercept SMS messages.

To initiate money transfers directly from compromise­d devices, BingoMod establishe­s a socket-based connection with the command-andcontrol infrastruc­ture (C2) to receive as many as 40 commands remotely to take screenshot­s using Android's Media Projection API and interact with the device in real-time.

This also means that the ODF technique relies on a live operator to perform a money transfer of up to €15,000 (~$16,100) per transactio­n as opposed to leveraging an Automated Transfer System (ATS) to carry out financial fraud at scale.

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