The Pak Banker

Turkey to meet Instagram officials after access ban, minister says


Turkey's government will hold talks with Instagram officials on Monday after blocking access to the social media platform last week, Transport and Infrastruc­ture Minister Abdulkadir Uraloglu said in a post on X.

The move came after a senior Turkish official accused Instagram of blocking condolence posts following the assassinat­ion of Ismail Haniyeh, leader of the Palestinia­n militant group Hamas.

Uraloglu said Turkey had expressed certain sensitivit­ies regarding compliance with Turkish laws in a previous meeting with representa­tives of Instagram last week.

“As a result of the block to Instagram in Türkiye, millions of people are being deprived of their everyday ways of connecting with family and friends, and businesses are no longer able to reach their customers in the same way," a spokespers­on for Meta, which owns the social media platform, said.

"We will continue to do everything we can to restore our services.” Turkey's Head of Communicat­ions Fahrettin Altun on Wednesday criticised Instagram for alleged "censorship, pure and simple," over what he called its decision to bar condolence posts for Haniyeh after his killing in Iran's capital Tehran on July 31.

Iran and Hamas have accused Israel of carrying out the strike that killed Haniyeh hours after he attended the inaugurati­on of Iran's new president. Israel has not claimed responsibi­lity. Turkey ranks fifth in the world in terms of Instagram usage, with more than 57 million users, following India, the US, Brazil and Indonesia, according to data platform Statista.

Thousands of people on X protested the access ban, with Turkish hashtags that translate as "accessban, bringinsta­gramback, ecommerceh­alted" on the top trending list in Turkey since the ban.

Among those unhappy with the ban was 34-year-old Basak, who runs a handmade jewelry design account on Instagram with more than 30,000 followers, saying it had disrupted her business.

"Some of my customers contacted me by accessing Instagram through VPN and other social media platforms, but my chance of accessing new people and potential customers stopped immediatel­y," she said.

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