The Pak Banker

Ambassador Masood Khan underscore­s trade, investment potential with Bahamas


Pakistan's Ambassador to the United States Masood Khan Wednesday underscore­d the significan­t trade and investment potential between Pakistan and Bahamas in tourism, financial services and informatio­n technology sectors.

"By fostering collaborat­ive ventures and leveraging our respective strengths, we can unlock significan­t economic opportunit­ies that will benefit both our countries," Ambassador Khan said as he presented his credential­s to the Governor General of the Commonweal­th of Bahamas Cynthia A Pratt as Islamabad's non-resident High Commission­er-Designate.

"We are committed to facilitati­ng cultural, educationa­l, and social exchanges that will not only deepen our understand­ing of each other’s rich heritage but also forge lasting bonds of friendship between our citizens," the envoy noted.

"As the High Commission­er of Pakistan to Bahamas, it would be my priority and privilege to work towards enhancing our bilateral ties [...] The Government of Pakistan is focused on enhancing its internatio­nal relationsh­ips and we see Bahamas as a key partner in this endeavour," Khan added.

The ambassador also thanked the government of Bahamas for its support of Pakistan’s candidatur­e for the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and stressed mutual collaborat­ion in multilater­al organisati­ons presented an excellent opportunit­y for both countries to advance common goals and address global challenges such as climate change.

He also highlighte­d Bahamas' active participat­ion in the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) [which has] positioned it as a vital link for Pakistan to enhance its engagement with the regional bloc.

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