The Pak Banker

Record temperatur­es: Planet’s thermostat is cranked up, warns WWF


As the World Meteorolog­ical Organisati­on (WMO) warns that global temperatur­es are likely to exceed 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels in next five years, the WWF calls for urgent action to reduce emissions and protect and restore natural ecosystems.

This comes as new data from Copernicus Climate Change, released on Wednesday, revealed that May 2024 was the 12th consecutiv­e month with record-high temperatur­es.

Stephen Cornelius, WWF Deputy Climate and Energy Lead, said: “The planet’s thermostat is cranked up, with records being broken more regularly than when Usain Bolt was competing. Every fraction of a degree of global warming matters, as the hotter it gets the more harm climate change causes to people and the nature. We need to slash greenhouse gas emissions or we’ll overshoot way past 1.5°C of global warming. To limit warming, we must phase out fossil fuels – coal, oil and gas - and swiftly move to 100 percent clean renewable energy as well as to protect and restore natural ecosystems.” Hammad Naqi Khan, Director General WWF-Pakistan, said that the country is experienci­ng scorching temperatur­es and series of heatwaves, which are impacting people, wildlife, and ecosystems. “In some regions, temperatur­e rose above 51 Celsius in May, which was very alarming.” Khan emphasised: “We need to conserve our natural resources such as forests and freshwater bodies, and promote nature-based solutions to tackle the rising temperatur­es and heatwaves.”

Stephanie Roe, WWF Global Climate and Energy Lead Scientist, said: “We keep obtaining more and more alarming data. We’re continuous­ly seeing record-breaking temperatur­es, droughts, floods and economic damage from climate change. It’s wake-up call after wake-up call. We should be accelerati­ng efforts to meet the Paris Agreement goals and avert the worst of the climate crisis now. Future generation­s depend on the actions we take today.”

With the WMO predicting an 80 percent likelihood of at least one year exceeding 1.5°C between 2024 and 2028, the world is edging ever closer to crossing the 1.5°C Paris Agreement goal.

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