The Pak Banker

OpenAI unveils new AI model as competitio­n heats up


ChatGPT maker OpenAI said on Monday it would release a new AI model called GPT-4o, capable of realistic voice conversati­on and able to interact across text and vision, its latest move to stay ahead in a race to dominate the emerging technology.

The new audio capabiliti­es enable users to speak to ChatGPT and obtain real-time responses with no delay, as well as interrupt ChatGPT while it is speaking, both hallmarks of realistic conversati­ons that AI voice chatbots have not had until now, the OpenAI researcher­s showed at a livestream event.

Microsoft-backed OpenAI faces growing competitio­n and pressure to expand the user base of ChatGPT, its popular chatbot product that wowed the world with its ability to produce human-like written content and top-notch software code.

OpenAI said it would roll out its new AI model over the

In the court of Mr. Muhammad Shoaib Tariq Civil Judge 1st Class Kharian.

Suit for Maintenanc­e. Tazeem Sajjad etc vs Imran Khan. Notice to. Imran Khan s/o Khan Muhammad caste Rehmani resident of Gharaia post office Khas tehsil & district Gujrat. Above mentioned titled in under court of undersigne­d. Many time process has been issued against the above said respondent, but in vain. So the respondent are hereby in formed thought giving an add. The appear before the court on the next date of hearing 26-06-2024 personally or thought their counsel, other wise ex-party proceeding should be initiated against them and no excuses will be entertaine­d.


In the Court of Miss Nabila Zaheer Sahiba Civil Judge Gujrat Case title Kousar Parveen V/S Irfan Ilyas etc

Notice to (3) Muhammad Abbas S/O Muhammad ilyas R/O Mehar House Saleemi Colony Near Zahoor Elahi Stadium Gujrat Suit for Declaratio­n etc, The above mentioned defendeds are not be served in ordinary way. It is therefore proclaimed that If the said defended with not appear personally or through a duly authorized agent or pleader in court at 8 AM on 12-062024 the proceeding­s will be taken ex-part against you.


In the court of Miss Nadia Nazeer sahiba Judge Family Court Gujrat Case title Neelam Islam Vs Rehan Zubair

Notice to Rehan Zubair S/O Ch.Muhammad Zubair R/O Ramtalaee Road Muhallah Bakhshu Pura Gujrat Presently Residing Italy,

Suit for Dissolutio­n of Marriage on the basic of Khula , The above mentioned defendeds are not be served in ordinary way. It is therefore proclaimed that If the said defended with not appear personally or through a duly authorized agent or pleader in court at 8 AM on 08-06-2024 the proceeding­s will be taken ex-part against you.


In The Court Of Amina Asif Civil Judge Sialkot

Suit for Dissolutio­n of Marriage, Hira Abida Butt vs Muhammad Junaid Butt,

Notice To Muhammad Junaid Butt s\o Muhammad Sajid Butt R\O H.No 1\23 Shahab Pura Teh and district Sialkot presently living Abroad. Whereas Service Of Respondent­s is not going to be effected through Ordinary Means So Services Of Defendant's/ Respondent­s are Being Affected Through proclamati­on in the newspaper you defendant's respondent­s are directed to Appear in the court 14-06-2024 at 8 am filing which ex-party proceeding shall be initiated against you.


In The Court of Mr Waqas Ahmad Warraich Civil Judge /1st Class Jhelum.

Case Title: Munawar Hussain Vs Muhammad Raza etc, Subject: Suit for Permanent Injection etc,

Notice to No.4 Muhammad Usman, no. 5 Raqib Ali S/o Altaf Hhussain, No. 6 Amjad Hussain S/o Muhammad Taaj R/O Nogran Tehsil and District Jhelum, Presently in abroad, Whereas in the above mentioned case it has been proved to the satisfacti­on of the court that the above mentioned Defendant cannot be served in the ordinary way, It is therefore proclaimed under order 5, Rule 20 CPC that if the said defendant will/shall not appear personally or through a duly authorized agent or pleader in court at 8:00AM on 11-06-2024, the proceeding will be taken ex-parte against you. No arguments of any nature Shall be entertaine­d thereafter. Given under my hand and seal of this court.


In the Court of Syed Naveed Raza Bukhari Judge Banking Court-Ii, Gujranwala District Courts, Gujranwala.

Suit No.02/24


Summon toMizra Rafique D/o Muhammad Rafique R/O Shah Hussain Road Street No. 11 Mohallah Rang pura Toba Gujrat.

WHEREAS, the aforesaid plaintiff has instituted a suit against you and others for the recovery of Rs.1511515.72/along with marks up /Interest and costs etc. claimed to be payable by you. A summon U/S 9(5) of Ordinance No. XLVI of 2001 referred to above is hereby issued requiring you to make within 30 days of the service of the summon an applicatio­n for leave to defend the suit in the form of written statement U/S 10 of the said Ordinance.

Take notice that on your failure to file such applicatio­n within time specified above, the Banking Court shall pass a decree as Prayed for in the Plaint, in the favour of the plaintiff Banking Company.

Next date for further proceeding­s, in the case has been fixed on 18-07-2024. Given under my hand and the seal of the court on this 06-06-2024 next few weeks. Its chief technology officer, Mira Murati, said at the event that the new GPT-4o model would be offered for free because it is more efficient than the company's previous models.

OpenAI researcher­s showed off ChatGPT's new voice assistant capabiliti­es. In one demonstrat­ion, the ChatGPT voice assistant was able to read out a bedtime story in different voices, emotions and tones. In a second demonstrat­ion, the ChatGPT voice assistant used it vision capabiliti­es to walk through solving a math equation written on a sheet of paper.

The researcher­s also demonstrat­ed the GPT-4o model's capability of real-time language translatio­n.

Paid users of GPT-4o will have greater capacity limits than the company's paid users, Murati said.

Shortly after launching in late 2022, ChatGPT was called the fastest applicatio­n to ever reach 100 million monthly active users. However, worldwide traffic to ChatGPT's website has been on a roller-coaster ride in the past year and is only now returning to its May 2023 peak, according to analytics firm Similarweb.

Giving ChatGPT the search engine-like capability of accessing and linking to up-to-date, accurate Web informatio­n is an obvious next step, and one that the current iteration of ChatGPT finds challengin­g, industry experts have said.

OpenAI made the announceme­nts a day before Alphabet is scheduled to hold its annual Google developers conference, where it is expected to show off its own new AI-related features.

 ?? ?? LONDON

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