The Pak Banker

On Youm-i-Takbeer, Pakistani leaders hail nation’s ‘unwavering determinat­ion’ under ‘bold leadership’


As the nation observed Youmi-Takbeer on Tuesday, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Acting President Yusuf Raza Gilani hailed the nation’s “unwavering determinat­ion” to make Pakistan a nuclear power under the “bold leadership” of then-premier Nawaz Sharif.

Youm-i-Takbeer is observed on May 28 to commemorat­e the historic day in 1998 when Pakistan joined the ranks of nuclear powers after atomic tests in the hills of Chagai, Balochista­n. Pakistan became the seventh nuclear nation in the world and the first Muslim state to have a nuclear arsenal.

A day ago, PM Shehbaz had declared today a public holiday across the country on account of Youm-i-Takbeer.

The day dawned with special prayers and recitation of the Holy Quran in mosques for the country’s peace and prosperity, state-run

Radio Pakistan reported.

It recalled that Pakistan had carried out the atomic tests in response to the Indian nuclear explosions, making the country’s defence impregnabl­e. Radio Pakistan stated that the country “defied internatio­nal pressure to conduct the nuclear tests” under the leadership of then-premier Nawaz.

Social media accounts of the government and Radio Pakistan also used the hashtag “Hum28MayWa­layHain” in posts celebratin­g Youm-i-Takbeer.

Rallies were taken out in Rawalpindi and Khyber Pakhtunkhw­a’s Swabi and Orakzai, with participan­ts carrying national flags and raising slogans in support of the Pakistan Army, Radio Pakistan reported.

In his message, PM Shehbaz said May 28 “encapsulat­es the narrative of our nation’s arduous yet remarkable path towards establishi­ng a credible minimum deterrence” (CMD).

“On this historic day in 1998, [then-] PM Nawaz Sharif demonstrat­ed bold leadership by rejecting nerve-wracking pressures and inducement­s to make Pakistan a nuclear-armed nation,” he wrote in a post on X.

The premier also paid tribute to ex-prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, who he said was the “founder of Pakistan’s nuclear programme for his strategic foresight and unwavering commitment to the cause”.

“This significan­t day symbolises the collective effort of all facets of national power, overcoming what seemed like an insurmount­able challenge and achieving a milestone in our country’s defence capabiliti­es,” PM Shehbaz asserted.

Acting president Gilani said Youm-i-Takbeer served as a “testament to our nation’s resilience, unwavering determinat­ion and commitment to maintainin­g regional peace and stability”.

Calling the day a “pivotal moment in our history”, Gilani noted that the “journey to becoming a nuclear state was not without its difficulti­es”.

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