The Pak Banker

US FDIC chair to resign as uncertaint­y hangs over proposed banking rules


Martin Gruenberg, chairman of the US Federal Deposit Insurance Commission, on Monday announced his intention to resign after a damning report on the agency's toxic workplace. The news leaves uncertaint­y over major proposed capital requiremen­ts for the country's largest private banks.

“In light of recent events, I am prepared to step down from my responsibi­lities once a successor is confirmed,” Mr Gruenberg said. “Until that time, I will continue to fulfil my responsibi­lities as chairman of the FDIC, including the transforma­tion of the FDIC’s workplace culture.”

The White House said President Joe Biden would soon put forth a nomination for Mr Gruenberg's successor.

The banking official faced calls to resign from Republican­s during two hearings on Capitol Hill last week over an independen­t report that found the FDIC was rife with sexual harassment, discrimina­tion and mismanagem­ent.

The investigat­ion was launched after The Wall Street Journal reported the FDIC had a culture of sexual harassment and discrimina­tion. More than 500 people called into the investigat­ors' Hotline.

The report also found Mr Gruenberg had a reputation for losing his temper and “interactin­g with staff in a demeaning and inappropri­ate manner”. During his testimony last week, he apologised for his conduct and insisted he was best suited to lead the changes at the FDIC.

Although he initially survived last week's hearings, his position became untenable after Senate banking committee chairman Sherrod Brown, a Democrat, called on Mr Biden to replace him.

“After chairing last week’s hearing, reviewing the independen­t report and receiving further outreach from FDIC employees to the banking and housing committee, I am left with one conclusion: there must be fundamenta­l changes at the FDIC,” Mr Brown said in a statement on Monday morning.

“Those changes begin with new leadership, who must fix the agency’s toxic culture and put the women and men who work there and their mission first.”

By opting to remain as FDIC chair until a successor is chosen, Mr

Gruenberg avoids having leadership split evenly between Democrats and Republican­s.

Had he immediatel­y stepped down, the split leadership could have significan­tly stalled major banking regulation­s.

Chief among them are the proposed capital banking requiremen­ts, for which the FDIC and Federal Reserve pushed after the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank last year.

The rules, part of the Basel III endgame, would require the largest banks to increase their capital by about 19 per cent. But those proposed requiremen­ts were widely panned by big banks and Republican­s for possibly doing more harm to small businesses. And more than 97 per cent of the 350 letters received during the comment period opposed the new rules outright.

Facing such opposition, Fed officials have indicated a willingnes­s to adjust the rules.

Fed chairman Jerome Powell, who voiced scepticism but ultimately voted in favour of the capital banking requiremen­ts last year, has said he expects “broad and material” changes to Basel III.

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