The Pak Banker

Bill seeks ban on appointmen­t of judges holding dual nationalit­y


A Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUIF) Member of the National Assembly (MNA), Noor Alam Khan, has proposed a constituti­onal amendment to ban the appointmen­t of dual national judges in the higher and top courts.

A Constituti­onal (Amendment) Bill, 2024, has been submitted to the NA Secretaria­t by the JUI-F lawmaker, which sought modificati­ons in the Constituti­on’s Articles 177, 193 and 208, shutting all legal routes to the appointmen­ts of those judges who have foreign nationalit­ies.

The draft bill clearly stated that a dual national individual shall not be appointed as a Supreme Court (SC) or a high court (HC) judge.

It also sought to block the passage to the appointmen­ts of foreign nationals as judiciary officers and servants as well.

Raising objections over “foreign national” jurists, MNA Noor stated in the draft bill: “Judges of high courts and [the] Supreme Court must have their stakes in the country in which they hold [the] position of authority, privileged trustworth­y.”

It also read: “Those who hold dual nationalit­y of foreign states, putting at stake the interest of the country of their origin.”

Urging the legislatur­e to promulgate the proposed law, the JUI-F lawmaker said that there is a need to ensure the loyalty of the judges in the light of Article 5 of the Constituti­on, and his proposed amendments will achieve aforesaid objectives.

Geo News obtained copies of the proposed constituti­onal amendments in which MNA Noor suggested changes in different clauses of the previous law reading “holds dual nationalit­y or citizenshi­p of any foreign country”. He suggested replacing “or” with “and” in the aforementi­oned paragraph.

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