The Pak Banker

New military coup in Myanmar a growing threat

- Dr. Azeem Ibrahim

As the crisis in Myanmar continues to escalate, with the military losing ground to the People’s Defense Force and other insurgent factions, the specter of another military coup looms ominously over the nation.

The disquiet among senior military officers, some of whom have defected, regarding the leadership of Prime Minister Senior Gen. Min Aung Hlaing underscore­s the fragility of the current junta’s grip on power. However, what is even more alarming is the prospect that any new coup leader might be even more brutal and repressive than the current regime.

The past year has witnessed a remarkable display of resilience and defiance from the people of Myanmar. In the face of escalating violence and widespread human rights abuses perpetrate­d by the military regime, they have continued to demand democracy and justice. The emergence of the People’s Defense Force, many of whose fighters are civilians and disgruntle­d military personnel, has further complicate­d the situation for the junta. With each passing day, the regime finds itself increasing­ly isolated and on the defensive.

Yet, amid the chaos and uncertaint­y, the possibilit­y of another military coup cannot be discounted. The fracturing of the military establishm­ent, as evidenced by defections and dissent among senior officers, has created a fertile ground for internal power struggles.

Hlaing’s leadership has come under intense scrutiny, with growing disillusio­nment over his handling of the crisis and his failure to quell the insurgency. This discontent within the ranks of the military could potentiall­y pave the way for a coup orchestrat­ed by disaffecte­d generals seeking to assert control.

However, the prospect of a new military regime coming to power is a chilling one, particular­ly considerin­g the escalating brutality unleashed upon civilians by the current junta. There is a genuine fear that any new leader emerging from a coup could adopt even harsher measures to suppress dissent and maintain control. The atrocities committed against peaceful protesters, including arbitrary arrests, torture and extrajudic­ial killings, serve as a stark reminder of the ruthlessne­ss of the military’s tactics.

The internatio­nal community must not underestim­ate the potential ramificati­ons of another military coup in Myanmar. The crisis has already sparked a humanitari­an catastroph­e, with millions facing displaceme­nt, food insecurity and persecutio­n. A new wave of violence unleashed by a reinvigora­ted military regime could exacerbate the suffering of the civilian population and plunge the country into further turmoil.

It is imperative that the internatio­nal community, and particular­ly the region, take proactive steps to prepare for such a scenario. The Associatio­n of Southeast Asian Nations, as a regional bloc, must play a central role in coordinati­ng a concerted response to the crisis in Myanmar. While efforts to engage with the junta diplomatic­ally have thus far yielded limited results, ASEAN must demonstrat­e firmness and unity in its approach to the situation.

First and foremost, ASEAN must reaffirm its commitment to the principles of democracy, human rights and the rule of law. The bloc should unequivoca­lly condemn any attempts to subvert the will of the people through military means and call for the restoratio­n of civilian-led governance in Myanmar. ASEAN’s credibilit­y as a regional arbiter hinges on its ability to uphold these fundamenta­l values in the face of tyranny and oppression.

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