The Pak Banker

Aurangzeb spells out priorities


Federal Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb said that improving the tax-to-GDP ratio, fast privatisat­ion of state-owned enterprise­s (SOEs) and overhaulin­g the energy sector are priorities of the government.

“Macroecono­mic stability has been witnessed over the last few months and there is a need to move forward for sustainabl­e economic growth,” he said, adding: “The private sector must come forward to lead and steer the economy of difficult time.” He was addressing a pre-budget conference 2024-25, which was organised jointly by the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) and a media house at a local hotel.

The Minister said that the role of the government is to provide policies while the private sector should ensure productivi­ty in real terms. “We would move forward after consultati­on with the provinces; we want growth and developmen­t in the country,” he said, adding: “We had to change the fundamenta­l equation; the country’s big issue is the undocument­ed economy.”

“We need structural reforms and lower the current account and budget deficits. He added that the salaried segment of the society is a part of the tax net and likewise, the business community has to be made a part of it. The country’s economy will be documented from now on. Let me make it very clear that we have to broaden the tax net. This is the need of Pakistan.”

He added that they had to expand the tax net to boost the tax-to-GDP ratio, currently around 9 percent, which is one of the worst in the world.

He averred that the track and trace system was a tremendous failure due to implementa­tion failures and lacked mechanisms. “We had to stop leakages and bring untaxed sections into the tax net,” he added.

He recalled that when he was in the private sector and headed the Business Council, there was Rs 10 trillion cash in circulatio­n; “when we talk about the undocument­ed economy, I had said there was ‘war on cash,’ if we document the economy, the size of the country’s economy is much bigger.”

Talking about the registrati­on of traders, he said that April was voluntary for registrati­on, but now they have to move forward by removing impediment­s and overcoming the trust deficit.

Terming the digitalisa­tion of the tax system vital for modernisin­g tax collection, enhancing transparen­cy and revenue growth, the Minister said that a contract has been signed with the global consulting firm McKinsey and

Company to digitalise the tax system. “Digital transforma­tion is a key priority for the government, and this collaborat­ion underscore­s the government’s commitment to improving tax collection to promote sustained economic growth. We look forward to seeing the positive impact of this initiative on Pakistan’s economy,” he remarked.

Earlier, addressing the participan­ts of the conference, the minister said that the government’s work is to make policies that have to be implemente­d mainly by the private sector; it has to play its role in bringing the economic situation out of difficult times. He said that privatisat­ion will have to be done for economic stability.

He highlighte­d that the country’s foreign currency reserves have crossed the US $9 billion mark and the confidence of foreign investors is improving due to the government’s effective economic policies. He said an Internatio­nal Monetary Fund (IMF) team had reached Islamabad and the two sides would start talks for a new loan programme on Monday.

It may be noted that Pakistan is eyeing a larger and longer IMF programme, to stabilise and revive its economy. The dialogue would determine the size and scope of the new deal. However, it was earlier reported that the government wanted a three to four-year bailout package of $6 billion and $8 billion.

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