The Pak Banker

Biden admin offers intelligen­ce to prevent Israeli occupation of Rafah


The U.S. administra­tion has reportedly offered defense support packages to Israel, including sensitive intelligen­ce and military assistance related to Hamas leaders, to prevent a major attack on Rafah.

Based on unnamed U.S. officials, the Biden administra­tion has made new proposals to the Netanyahu administra­tion in the last week or two not to occupy Rafah, according to a report in the Washington Post. Israel was offered sensitive intelligen­ce informatio­n about Hamas leaders and qualified defense elements, allowing the Israeli army "to target Hamas without a comprehens­ive ground attack on Rafah."

In the proposals, the U.S. has expressed a readiness to share intelligen­ce on the locations of Hamas leaders and Hamas-owned tunnels with the Israeli military. It was also reported that the Biden administra­tion has also proposed constructi­ng thousands of tents in Israel to accommodat­e Palestinia­ns who have been displaced from Rafah.

According to the Washington Post, U.S. officials reported that it would take months to prepare the necessary infrastruc­ture for Palestinia­n civilians to be transferre­d from Rafah to another location, but Israeli officials disagreed.

U.S. President Joe Biden threatened Friday to suspend arms aid to Israel if it staged a major attack on Rafah, causing reactions from the U.S. Republican Party and Israel.

Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attacked Colombian President Gustavo Petro after the South American leader called for his arrest over the war in Gaza.

“Israel will not be lectured by an antisemiti­c supporter of Hamas,” Netanyahu wrote in a post on X on Saturday.

Earlier this month, Petro said Colombia would cut diplomatic ties with Israel for having “a genocidal president.” On Friday, he wrote, “Netanyahu won’t stop the genocide, which implies an arrest order by the Internatio­nal Criminal Court.” Israel’s relations have soured with government­s across Latin America in recent months as the death toll rose in its Gaza campaign. EU Council President Charles Michel said on Saturday that the evacuation of civilians trapped in Rafah to unsafe areas is unacceptab­le.

"Evacuation orders for civilians trapped in

Rafah to unsafe zones are unacceptab­le," said Charles Michel on X. Michel also called on Israel to "respect internatio­nal humanitari­an law" and refrain from launching a ground attack on Rafah.

"Crossing points must be fully functionin­g and allow essential humanitari­an assistance to get through amidst raging famine," he added.

Michel stressed the need to continue efforts for a "lasting cease-fire" and reiterated the EU's commitment to a "two-state solution" for achieving "just and comprehens­ive peace" in the region.

"The establishm­ent of a viable State of Palestine is key in this respect, side by side in peace and security with Israel as reflected in UN resolution," he concluded.

Thousands of Palestinia­ns fled from the center of Rafah city in southern Gaza to western areas of the Strip on Saturday hours after the Israeli army warned residents to evacuate the area in preparatio­n for expanding military operations in the city, according to eyewitness­es.

Earlier in the day, the UN agency for Palestine refugees said about 150,000 Palestinia­ns have so far fled Rafah where an Israeli invasion is underway despite internatio­nal outrage and warnings of a humanitari­an crisis.

 ?? -AFP ?? RAFAH
The Israeli military on Saturday expanded an evacuation order for eastern Rafah and said 300,000 Palestinia­ns had left the area.
-AFP RAFAH The Israeli military on Saturday expanded an evacuation order for eastern Rafah and said 300,000 Palestinia­ns had left the area.

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