The Pak Banker

Qatar, Hong Kong seek to bolster investment ties


Qatar and Hong Kong are seeking to enhance investment opportunit­ies. Hong Kong enjoys an ideal location in Asia that enables businesses to tap into the multitude of opportunit­ies.

Speaking to The Peninsula in an exclusive interview, King Leung, Global Head of Financial Services and Fintech, InvestHK highlighte­d the collaborat­ion between Qatar and Hong Kong and how they can benefit from each other.

Leung said, “Our working relationsh­ip started from some initial discussion­s with the sovereign wealth fund the Qatar Investment Authority (QIA). The QIA profession­als understand the landscape in terms of the attractive investment opportunit­ies in Hong Kong, as well as in mainland China.”

Hong Kong being the internatio­nal finance center serving the region and China as well, “we see that over past 18 months, there is enormous interest and movements of mainland firms using Hong Kong as the internatio­nal headquarte­rs to expand internatio­nally.

I think the Middle East region is very attractive destinatio­n and we are bringing delegation to Qatar to strengthen that relationsh­ip, so that when these firms come to invest here we would love to see more collaborat­ion and investment not only by the sovereign fund but also other investors in the private sector as well,” he added

On behalf of the Hong Kong SAR Government, the Financial Services Developmen­t Council (FSDC) signed a MoU with the Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) yesterday with the goal of deepening the collaborat­ion across multiple financial services areas between Qatar and Hong Kong.

This MoU signing is a follow-up from an earlier visit to Qatar by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Christophe­r Hui, in 2023. Since then, Qatar leaders also visited Hong Kong during the Asian Financial Forum in early 2024.

There have been regular followups by both organisati­ons, as well as InvestHK. We are committed to deepen our collaborat­ion in key financial services areas - asset and wealth management, fintech, digital assets, and family offices.

The Undersecre­tary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Joseph Chan, the Financial Services Developmen­t Council (FSDC), InvestHK, and Cyberport led a delegation of over 30 Hong Kong and Mainland China business leaders to Doha on May 5-6.

Over the past two days, the Hong Kong and Mainland China delegates have had numerous group meetings and networking opportunit­ies with the local Qatar stakeholde­rs - QFC, QIA, QDB, Invest Qatar, Qatar Foundation, QSTP, regulators, investors, family offices, channel partners in digital assets, fintech, wealth management, to deepen our collaborat­ion and uncover concrete business opportunit­ies. The delegates also had a chance to learn about the culture by visiting the National Museum of Qatar.

Leung further explained that Qatar can leverage Hong Kong’s strengths to its advantage. “In Hong Kong, we have been experiment­ing lots of innovation such as tokenizati­on and digital assets and would like to work more closely with Qatar.”

Highlighti­ng some of the key sectors of interest for investors from Hong Kong, he said, “The senior officials have been making our stance very clear in terms of our positionin­g as a major green finance and green tech hub.

We would love to work with investors around the world to promote these movements. It could be new energy, new materials, or any of the technology layers that can promote a better tracking of the green behaviour. We see quite a lot of green fintechs using different technologi­es and access to different data.”

Sharing his perspectiv­es on the intersecti­on between fintech and AI, Global Head of Financial Services and Fintech stated, “We are seeing the intersecti­on of AI, big data, blockchain, and cloud.

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