The Pak Banker

Q1'24 results: TMB announces PKR 1.03b profit before tax


Telenor Microfinan­ce Bank (TMB) announced exceptiona­l financial performanc­e for the first quarter of 2024 (Q1'24).

The Bank reported an impressive profit before tax of PKR 1.03 billion during Q1'24 compared to a loss before tax of PKR 185 million reported for the same period last year, solidifyin­g its position as a pioneering force in the fintech landscape of Pakistan.

During Q1 2024, customer deposits surged to PKR 63.26 billion, an increase of 29.6pc compared to March 31, 2023, while the advances book increased to PKR 19.15 billion, registerin­g a YoY growth of 53.5 percent.

TMB also maintained a robust Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) of 22.8 percent, well above the regulatory requiremen­ts. The achievemen­t is a testament to TMB’s ability to scale and enhance profitabil­ity while maintainin­g sustainabl­e growth.

The Bank maintained its robust performanc­e by focusing strategica­lly on unsecured loans, which make up over 40 percent of its lending portfolio, contributi­ng to its high traditiona­l lending yield. With a focus on current accounts, the Bank has achieved one of the lowest costs of deposits of 1.9 percent amongst other industry players, showcasing its operationa­l efficiency primarily through mobile wallet deposits.

With more than 41 million registered users, TMB's flagship digital financial services platform, easypaisa also recorded robust growth. The platform achieved a milestone of 14 million plus monthly active users. The easypaisa app maintained its position as Pakistan's leading financial services app with a rating of 4.5, highest amongst banking apps.

Commenting on the remarkable performanc­e; Kashif Ahmed, Acting President & CEO of Telenor Bank/easypaisa, said, “As the first quarter of 2024 concludes, we are building upon the impressive momentum generated by our achievemen­ts in 2023, driving us forward. We remain focused on contributi­ng to the growth and developmen­t of the economy while maintainin­g our customer-first approach.

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